NeotokyoRebuild / neo

NEOTOKYO Rebuild - Source SDK 2013 mod of NEOTOKYO
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NVGs should work as well as in OGNT #135

Closed blaberry closed 1 month ago

blaberry commented 6 months ago

This one is a little hard to quantify, but in rebuild there are fewer distinct shades of color on screen at all time.

map nt_tarmac_ctg sv_cheats 1 setpos -272.583618 552.612244 -475.968 setang 5.016034 -15.808





Let's call if "done" when:

  1. Base color is dark grey instead of green
  2. Highlights/lighter areas become whiter/lighter grey instead of darker

Does that make sense?

AdamTadeusz commented 4 months ago

So currently in ntre the vision is black-hot instead of white-hot, this issue will be fixed by flipping this. Looks like the green on the lighter end of the scale in the original is also a lighter shade of green than the current shade of green, though that perception may change after the flip. yttcfjh4v2u21

(Edit) so I am using thermal terms to describe nvgs but I think my point comes across regardless

kassibuss commented 4 months ago

There are (cheat protected) cvar for the nightvision in the game, maybe changing the defaults to them will help get a closer look to OGNT?

mat_neo_nv_brightness                    : 0        : , "cheat"        : 
mat_neo_nv_contrast                      : 1        : , "cheat"        : 
mat_neo_nv_green_scale                   : 0        : , "cheat"        : Amount of green hue in nightvision.
mat_neo_nv_luminance                     : 0        : , "cheat"        : 
mat_neo_nv_startgamma                    : 2        : , "cheat"        : 
mat_neo_nv_targetgamma                   : 2        : , "cheat"        : 
kassibuss commented 4 months ago

This needs more testing but playing around with the base values a bit, I got it a bit closer to the OG NV. I didnt do the recon spot test. I am sure this is not 1:1, but I did it in like 5 minutes. Just something to get the ball rolling.

EDIT: Okay I did not tone down the green enough on the rebuild pic :D, maybe something like mat_neo_nv_green_scale 0.12 instead? image 20240803003433_1 image