NeotokyoRebuild / neo

NEOTOKYO Rebuild - Source SDK 2013 mod of NEOTOKYO
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[FEATURE] HP display near friendly markers #429

Open xedmain opened 4 days ago

xedmain commented 4 days ago


Have some kind of hp display, whether as text or as some icon, when looking at the friendly marker. Replaces the functionality that old nametags serve in NT;RE, while adding functionality that doesn't exist in OG NT.

Proposed Solution

As a player, when looking at my teammate's friendly marker anywhere in the map (but more often when they're close to me), I want to see how much HP they have near the friendly marker because it would be useful to know how injured they are, and it'd be easier than matching their nickname with a PFP in the scoreboard and then the PFP with an hp bar in the top hud/the nickname with the HP in the squad hud (if that's gonna be added as a parity feature)

Alternatives Considered

It could be compared to TF2's custom huds when you hover over a teammate, those often have a cross hp display thing to the left of the nickname. Could also be just a percentage under the nickname, however.

Additional Context

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