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Explorer help needs to be updated. #5

Open SimonGoring opened 7 years ago

SimonGoring commented 7 years ago

The help documentation or Neotoma Explorer needs to be updated.

Currently the help documentation for Tilia & the Database are both archived & hosted through readthedocs.

This may be a broader "Documentation" question though.

spatialit commented 7 years ago

I also added this to the closed thread by accident.

I looked at both DokuWiki and HelpNDoc. DokuWiki, or something similar, is what we want. It allows distributed editing and includes access control. Seems like both have a "source" version and the generated documents. I asked Brian where the source is but haven't heard back.

spatialit commented 7 years ago

Yes, the API should generate it's own documentation. DokuWiki looks good for documentation with authors.