This implementation prevents and disallows trailing zeros in the coefficients list when the polynomial is encoded. This is done to ensure that the encoding of a polynomial is unique, and that proof streams containing polynomials become as simple and short as possible.
coverage: 97.197% (-0.1%) from 97.306%
when pulling 7ac68e7707dfc56eec192b0f024d89c51710304c on 200-bfieldcodec-for-polys
into 8bc05393cefed3a44744b9193adbae442853bfa2 on master.
This implementation prevents and disallows trailing zeros in the coefficients list when the polynomial is encoded. This is done to ensure that the encoding of a polynomial is unique, and that proof streams containing polynomials become as simple and short as possible.
Motivated by:
This closes #200.