NerajnoLearning / Uppfylla

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Create Front-End Architecture #3

Open Nerajno opened 2 months ago

Nerajno commented 2 months ago


Sure, here's a suggested file layout for the frontend of your Vue 3 food delivery app:

|-- public/
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- favicon.ico
|-- src/
|   |-- assets/
|   |   |-- images/
|   |   |-- styles/
|   |-- components/
|   |   |-- Navbar.vue                 // Example: Component used for navigation across the app
|   |   |-- RestaurantList.vue         // Example: Component to display a list of restaurants
|   |   |-- OrderSummary.vue           // Example: Component to display order summary
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- views/
|   |   |-- Home.vue                   // Example: Home page view
|   |   |-- RestaurantDetails.vue      // Example: View to display details of a restaurant
|   |   |-- OrderConfirmation.vue      // Example: View for order confirmation
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- router/
|   |   |-- index.js                   // Example: Vue Router configuration
|   |-- store/
|   |   |-- index.ts                   // Example: Pinia Store for managing application state
|   |-- services/
|   |   |-- api.ts                     // Example: Service for making API calls using Axios
|   |   |-- auth.ts                    // Example: Service for handling authentication
|   |-- types/                         // Example: Folder for TypeScript types
|   |   |-- customTypes.ts             // Example: Custom types for objects used in the app
|   |-- App.vue                        // Example: Main component of the Vue app
|   |-- main.ts                        // Example: Entry point of the Vue app
|-- .env                               // Example: Environment variables for configuration
|-- .eslintrc.js                       // Example: ESLint configuration for linting
|-- babel.config.js                    // Example: Babel configuration for transpilation
|-- package.json                       // Example: Project dependencies and scripts
|--                          // Example: Documentation for the project
|-- vite.config.ts                     // Example: Vite configuration for bundling
|-- tests/                             // Example: Folder for tests
|   |-- components/                    // Example: Folder for component tests
|   |-- api/                           // Example: Folder for API call tests
|   |-- e2e/                           // Example: Folder for end-to-end tests
|   |-- snapshots/                     // Example: Folder for snapshot tests
|   |-- playwright.config.ts           // Example: Playwright configuration for testing
|-- .gitignore                         // Example: Git ignore file
|-- .prettierrc                        // Example: Prettier configuration for code formatting

This file layout organizes your frontend codebase into logical directories, making it easier to manage and maintain as your application grows.