NerajnoLearning / Uppfylla

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Create Back-End Architecture #4

Open Nerajno opened 2 months ago

Nerajno commented 2 months ago


Here's a suggested file layout for the backend of your Node.js food delivery app:

|-- src/
|   |-- controllers/
|   |   |-- userController.js           // Controller for user-related operations
|   |   |-- restaurantController.js     // Controller for restaurant-related operations
|   |   |-- orderController.js         // Controller for order-related operations
|   |   |-- driverController.js        // Controller for driver-related operations
|   |-- models/
|   |   |-- User.js                    // Model for User schema
|   |   |-- Restaurant.js              // Model for Restaurant schema
|   |   |-- Order.js                   // Model for Order schema
|   |   |-- Driver.js                  // Model for Driver schema
|   |-- routes/
|   |   |-- userRoutes.js              // Routes for user-related endpoints
|   |   |-- restaurantRoutes.js        // Routes for restaurant-related endpoints
|   |   |-- orderRoutes.js             // Routes for order-related endpoints
|   |   |-- driverRoutes.js            // Routes for driver-related endpoints
|   |-- middleware/
|   |   |-- authMiddleware.js          // Middleware for authentication using Auth0
|   |-- config/
|   |   |-- auth0Config.js             // Configuration for Auth0 authentication
|   |   |-- databaseConfig.js          // Configuration for MongoDB connection
|   |-- utils/
|   |   |-- errorHandler.js            // Utility for error handling
|   |-- app.js                         // Express application setup
|   |-- server.js                      // Server setup and initialization
|-- .env                               // Environment variables for configuration
|-- package.json                       // Project dependencies and scripts
|--                          // Documentation for the project

This file layout organizes your backend codebase into logical directories, making it easier to manage and maintain as your application grows.