NerajnoLearning / Uppfylla

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Create Overall Architecture Diagram/Plan #8

Open Nerajno opened 2 months ago

Nerajno commented 2 months ago

Sure, here's a comprehensive architectural outline for the full-stack food delivery app incorporating all the considerations provided:

Frontend Architecture (Vue 3)

|-- public/
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- favicon.ico
|-- src/
|   |-- assets/
|   |   |-- images/
|   |   |-- styles/
|   |-- components/
|   |   |-- Navbar.vue               // Navigation component
|   |   |-- RestaurantList.vue       // Component for displaying a list of restaurants
|   |   |-- OrderSummary.vue         // Component for displaying order summary
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- views/
|   |   |-- Home.vue                 // Home page view
|   |   |-- RestaurantDetails.vue    // View to display restaurant details
|   |   |-- OrderConfirmation.vue    // View for order confirmation
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- router/
|   |   |-- index.js                 // Vue Router configuration
|   |-- store/
|   |   |-- index.ts                 // Pinia Store for managing application state
|   |-- services/
|   |   |-- api.ts                   // Service for making API calls using Axios
|   |   |-- auth.ts                  // Service for handling authentication
|   |-- types/
|   |   |-- customTypes.ts           // Custom types for TypeScript
|   |-- App.vue                      // Main component of the Vue app
|   |-- main.ts                      // Entry point of the Vue app
|-- .env                             // Environment variables for configuration
|-- .eslintrc.js                     // ESLint configuration for linting
|-- babel.config.js                  // Babel configuration for transpilation
|-- package.json                     // Project dependencies and scripts
|--                        // Documentation for the project
|-- vite.config.ts                   // Vite configuration for bundling
|-- tests/
|   |-- components/                  // Component tests
|   |-- api/                         // API call tests
|   |-- e2e/                         // End-to-end tests
|   |-- snapshots/                   // Snapshot tests
|   |-- playwright.config.ts         // Playwright configuration for testing
|-- .gitignore                       // Git ignore file
|-- .prettierrc                      // Prettier configuration for code formatting

Backend Architecture (Node.js, Express, MongoDB)

|-- src/
|   |-- controllers/
|   |   |-- userController.js       // Controller for user-related operations
|   |   |-- restaurantController.js // Controller for restaurant-related operations
|   |   |-- orderController.js      // Controller for order-related operations
|   |   |-- driverController.js     // Controller for driver-related operations
|   |-- models/
|   |   |-- User.js                 // Model for User schema
|   |   |-- Restaurant.js           // Model for Restaurant schema
|   |   |-- Order.js                // Model for Order schema
|   |   |-- Driver.js               // Model for Driver schema
|   |-- routes/
|   |   |-- userRoutes.js           // Routes for user-related endpoints
|   |   |-- restaurantRoutes.js     // Routes for restaurant-related endpoints
|   |   |-- orderRoutes.js          // Routes for order-related endpoints
|   |   |-- driverRoutes.js         // Routes for driver-related endpoints
|   |-- middleware/
|   |   |-- authMiddleware.js       // Middleware for authentication using Auth0
|   |-- config/
|   |   |-- auth0Config.js          // Configuration for Auth0 authentication
|   |   |-- databaseConfig.js       // Configuration for MongoDB connection
|   |-- utils/
|   |   |-- errorHandler.js         // Utility for error handling
|   |-- app.js                      // Express application setup
|   |-- server.js                   // Server setup and initialization
|-- .env                            // Environment variables for configuration
|-- package.json                    // Project dependencies and scripts
|--                       // Documentation for the project

MongoDB Schema

|-- users
|   |-- _id
|   |-- username
|   |-- email
|   |-- password
|   |-- role
|   |-- createdAt
|   |-- updatedAt
|-- restaurants
|   |-- _id
|   |-- name
|   |-- description
|   |-- cuisine
|   |-- location
|   |-- menu
|   |-- openingHours
|   |-- deliveryZones
|   |-- createdAt
|   |-- updatedAt
|-- orders
|   |-- _id
|   |-- userId
|   |-- restaurantId
|   |-- items
|   |-- totalPrice
|   |-- status
|   |-- createdAt
|   |-- updatedAt
|-- drivers
|   |-- _id
|   |-- name
|   |-- email
|   |-- vehicleType
|   |-- available
|   |-- createdAt
|   |-- updatedAt

Technologies and Tools Used

This architecture provides a solid foundation for developing a full-stack food delivery app, with clear separation of concerns and organized project structure. It incorporates modern tools and technologies to ensure scalability, maintainability, and robustness of the application.