Neraud / PADListener

Android application to sync PAD to PADherder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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"Proxy Auto Wifi" doesn't work with PAD v9.0.3 (NA version) #111

Open arnaudjolly opened 8 years ago

arnaudjolly commented 8 years ago

When using "Auto iptable" proxy mode, all the process work for me. But with "Auto WiFi proxy" settings when connected to my home wifi, Pad start screen leads to a 101 connection error when clicking on "start".

TheKat commented 8 years ago

I was having the same problem after the PAD 9 update. It worked flawlessly until the day the PAD update came up.

I found a work around in this thread:

It seems that if I follow these steps it works. I'm not sure what's changed internally to PAD as it doesn't make much sense:

  1. Ensure PAD is running and NOT at the title screen (ie: be at the game menus)
  2. Go to PADListener.
  3. Tap "Manual" for "Capture from PAD"
  4. Switch listener to "On"
  5. Wait for WiFi to reconnect
  6. Go to PAD (should still be at the menus)
  7. Press the Back button on your device, and tap "Yes" to the question "Return to the Title Screen?"
    • Do NOT use the "Others / Return to Title Screen". That will trigger the "error 101"
  8. Tap "Start". PADListener will now capture.

Like I said, makes no real sense why this sequence of steps works, but using a fresh PAD start, or "Others / Return to Title Screen" triggers the "error 101". PAD must be doing something different...

Running Android 5.1.1 on a Galaxy Note 4.

larzm42 commented 8 years ago

Just wanted to say that I was having the exact same error and this workaround worked for me as well.

jayduhon commented 8 years ago

Thanks TheKat! After the last PAD update (9.0.3), I was getting an Error 101 also, but your workaround did the trick!

Running Android 4.4.2 on a Galaxy S3.

TheKat commented 8 years ago

It seems in v9.1.0 this no longer works :(