Neraud / PADListener

Android application to sync PAD to PADherder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Turning listener on/off only works when doing it a few times #3

Closed uXs closed 10 years ago

uXs commented 10 years ago

Turning the listener on or off doesn't work right away. It's only when I slide the button quickly back and forth a few times, or tap it a few times to switch it on or off, that it takes.

Turning it off again is the same. Only discovered that I could get it to work like this when I slid the button back and forth in anger when it didn't work. Well, more mild frustration than anger.

This is on a Nexus 7 2013, android version 4.4.2.

Neraud commented 10 years ago

Bitcoon seems to have located the issue : I look for clicks on the slider components instead of looking for the slider state to change.

For the moment, you can tap the text to truly enable/disable the listener.