Neraud / PADListener

Android application to sync PAD to PADherder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Move Data to SD #51

Open Llammissar opened 9 years ago

Llammissar commented 9 years ago

It'd be handy to be able to store data somewhere other than internal storage. Low-end devices don't tend to have oodles of internal storage, and SD migration can really ease that.

Neraud commented 9 years ago

The current version stores each monster image twice.

One version is bundled in the APK. And that's why the APK is 15+ MB. Theses images can't be easily read or updated though the app, so I've chosen to duplicate them the 1st time you start the app.

I'm working on a new version that dynamically fetch the images when you need them (using Picasso). It will cache them to limit data and battery usage.

This will drastically reduce the APK size and should limit the storage consumed by the app. Instead of having 2 * 1500+ images, you'll have in cache the images for the monsters you've displayed (so probably much less than 1500).

I did not see a setting in Picasso to choose where the disk cache was stored. I'll look into it.

Neraud commented 9 years ago

With V2, the APK is much smaller : from 18+ MB to 3.5 MB.

With this much smaller APK, do you think it would still be needed ?

Android 4.4 changed how SD cards are handled. So I suppose it'll be a pain to handle storing things outside on the internal storage anyway :/.