Neraud / PADListener

Android application to sync PAD to PADherder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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599 Awoken Hera-Ur not Syncing to PadHerder #62

Closed inspicere closed 9 years ago

inspicere commented 9 years ago

599 shows up in the captured data but when syncing with PadHerder it shows as a delete.

Model Number: Droid Maxx Android Version: 4.4.4 PADListener v2.0.1 App Source: Google Play Store

screenshot_2014-12-09-10-49-05 - copy screenshot_2014-12-09-10-49-21 - copy

Neraud commented 9 years ago

Awoken Hera-Ur is listed as a material in PADherder.

The syncing behavior for materials is determined by 2 settings in the Sync section :

Using the default settings, "Sync materials as monsters" is set to "Only if already a monster in PADherder. That way, PADListener will try to add your materials as materials only, and not as monster.

In your case, I suppose you've already added your Hera-Ur as both a monster and a material in your PADherder, and you're using the default "Deduct materials" checked. When syncing, PADListener wants to remove your Hera-Ur from the materials tab. It's not trying to remove Hera-Ur as a monster.

If you want to keep your Hera-Ur as both a monster and a material, you should un-check the "Deduct materials" settings.

inspicere commented 9 years ago

Got it. When I initially synced I had not configured all the settings in PADListener and I am guessing it was added as a material then. At some point in toggling the settings a sync removed 599 from my PadHerder monsters list. I had manually added 599 back then the next sync showed removing it as a material which I did not notice at first.

Thanks for clarifying my mix up!