Neraud / PADListener

Android application to sync PAD to PADherder
GNU General Public License v2.0
25 stars 18 forks source link

Manual sync shows blank screen (no tabs) #67

Closed blvcksvn closed 9 years ago

blvcksvn commented 9 years ago

HKTW version if it's relevant.

Neraud commented 9 years ago

I might have broken the "nothing to sync" message.

Can you check if you have anything to sync ? Or even easier, can you update something in PADherder (a material for example) and try to sync again in PADListener.

blvcksvn commented 9 years ago

Tried by deleting a keeper of water, worked properly. Didn't realize that the data needed to be different to show the tab, unlike the previous version. A message would be nice.

Neraud commented 9 years ago

Indeed, there should be a message. Thanks for the feedback