NerdNumber9 / TachiyomiEH

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Add delay for "Refresh library metadata" + how can i delete my library? #85

Open Jerrk opened 5 years ago

Jerrk commented 5 years ago

App version: 8.4.1

Android version: 9

Issue/Request: With ehentai/exhentai as a source, if you use the "refresh library metadata" under settings -> advanced, you will flood the ehentai/exhentai servers and get your account banned (temporarily for now). After i used this setting my library of over 1000+ favorites have lost all of its metadata and the thumbnails and tags are completely gone. The only way to get this information back is to update each favorite one by one. could a delay be added in the "refresh library metadata" option, and would this even fix the problem?

Steps to reproduce (if applicable)

  1. have a large amount of favorites in the ehentai/exhentai sources
  2. run the "refresh library metadata" setting
  3. you should now have been banned from ehentai/exhentai
  4. Your favorites should now have lost all of their metadata, thumbnails, and tags.

Other details: Is there any way i can just delete my entire library and start over and import all my ehentai/exhentai favorites again? I've tried uninstalling the app and deleting its settings folders but that doesn't seem to change anything in my library every time i reinstall the blank thumbnails are still there.