NerdNumber9 / TachiyomiEH

Free and open source manga reader for Android
Apache License 2.0
333 stars 25 forks source link "Failed handshake" #89

Closed fam007e closed 4 years ago

fam007e commented 4 years ago fork for latest tachiyomiEH is not working... It shows " Handshake failed". In extension menu, it doesn't show either. Also tsumino is absent from extension options. I've used 8.7 version to 7.2 all of them (tachEH)... My Android device is Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X (Android 7.0). Please solve this issue... Thank you

Solipso commented 4 years ago works fine for me. "Handshake failed" most likely means thar your provider is blocking you from connecting to hitomi.

To chech whether its true you can either open in your mobile browser or try to open the source in webview. If the site doesn't load or you are shown your ISP/Government block page - problem on your end, VPN/Proxy are your friends.

Tsumino is source exclusive to TachiyomiEH and was added before Tachiyomi by Inorichi changed to "every source is extension". As such Tsumino should NOT appear in extensions until someone creates it as such (it's not at the moment of me writing this). To switch on or off the source you should go to your "Catalouges" menu and press gear button on top.

fam007e commented 4 years ago

I can view in webpage view mode.

fam007e commented 4 years ago

Handshake failed only appears in normal viewing mode of tachiyomiEH

NerdNumber9 commented 4 years ago

@fam007e What device are you using? And what version of Android is your device using? Do you live in a country known for internet censorship?

chaoticchoas commented 4 years ago

I am having the same error when trying to access hitomi. I live in the us and can access the website normally from the browser on my android 7.0

NerdNumber9 commented 4 years ago

Looks like this is what's causing it:

Basically, Google royally fucked up. I'll see if I can work around it in the upcoming release.

fam007e commented 4 years ago

@NerdNumber9 I have Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X handset and its Android version is 7.0. And I am from Bangladesh bt that's not the problem I've faced similar problems with VPNs...

NerdNumber9 commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed in latest release