NerdWalletOSS / kinesis-python

Low level, multiprocessing based AWS Kinesis producer & consumer library
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Pass-in and override endpoint_url in boto3 Kinesis client and DynamoDB resource #26

Open nicholasball opened 3 years ago

nicholasball commented 3 years ago


We are looking to use this library in our project and would be happy to pick up some of the project maintenance if needed.

However we do need a submit a PR, which adds the possibility to pass in an endpoint_url for both the Kinesis (consumer.KinesisConsumer) and DynamoDB (state.DynamoDB) setup, along with a session. We need this so we can work with Localstack.

I'll put together the PR but just wanted to check that you're open to this beforehand!


cjgordon commented 3 years ago

Hi @nicholasball

I had this same issue trying to test this project with LocalStack.

I have come up with the following solution.

  1. Install this python lib:
  2. Pass custom boto3 session into KinesisConsumer constructor - example consumer below:
    import pprint
    import localstack_client.session
    from kinesis.consumer import KinesisConsumer

session = localstack_client.session.Session()

consumer = KinesisConsumer(stream_name='Logs-Dev', boto3_session=session) for message in consumer: pprint.pprint(message)

If you need to customize the endpoint URL further (use url other than LocalStack default) set environment variable LOCALSTACK_HOST to the hostname require, USE_SSL to set http or https.

Other customization may require editing:
