Task :compileJava
C:\Users\TJ\MCreatorWorkspaces\too_many_recipes\src\main\java\net\mcreator\tmrme\init\TheMostRandomestModEverModRecipeTypes.java:22: warning: [removal] FMLJavaModLoadingContext in net.neoforged.fml.javafmlmod has been deprecated and marked for removal
IEventBus bus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();
C:\Users\TJ\MCreatorWorkspaces\too_many_recipes\src\main\java\net\mcreator\tmrme\TheMostRandomestModEverMod.java:56: error: package TheMostRandomestModEverModTabs does not exist
1 error
1 warning
Task :compileJava FAILED`
I have tried manually removing the section of code from the java file referenced. The code then reset after i tried to run it again (this is probably a problem with MCreator, not your plugin. I also did save it).
Within the java code, ModTabs is only referenced once. That could possibly be the cause of the issue on my end. This is not likely however as I have very little skill in the Java language.
This is what the console looks like:
`> Task :writeMinecraftClasspathJunit UP-TO-DATE
I have tried manually removing the section of code from the java file referenced. The code then reset after i tried to run it again (this is probably a problem with MCreator, not your plugin. I also did save it).
Within the java code, ModTabs is only referenced once. That could possibly be the cause of the issue on my end. This is not likely however as I have very little skill in the Java language.