Nerixyz / InstagramLiveGUI

a GUI for managing an Instagram Broadcast
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error #1

Open mammadkoma opened 3 years ago

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago

Hello , I installed OBS Studio 26.1.1 and obs-websocket-4.9.0-Windows-Installer.exe and open obs studio. I start the wpf project and enter my insta user and pass live account and click on login button then Start Stream button , the project stop in StartStreamViewModel.cs file on line 59 : OBSWebsocketDotNet.AuthFailureException: 'Exception of type 'OBSWebsocketDotNet.AuthFailureException' was thrown.' This exception was originally thrown at this call stack: [External Code] InstaStream.Models.InstagramSession.StartStream() in InstagramSession.cs [External Code] InstaStream.ViewModels.StartStreamViewModel.StartStream() in StartStreamViewModel.cs image stack trace : at OBSWebsocketDotNet.OBSWebsocket.Authenticate(String password, OBSAuthInfo authInfo) at OBSWebsocketDotNet.OBSWebsocket.Connect(String url, String password) at InstaStream.Models.InstagramSession.d71.MoveNext() in C:\Users\mammadkoma\Desktop\InstagramLiveGUI-master\InstaStream\Models\InstagramSession.cs:line 162 at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult() at InstaStream.ViewModels.StartStreamViewModel.d14.MoveNext() in C:\Users\mammadkoma\Desktop\InstagramLiveGUI-master\InstaStream\ViewModels\StartStreamViewModel.cs:line 59

Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

You probably set up a user/password for obs-websocket. This app requires the credentials to be empty.

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago

When I login without user/pass in wpf that error occur.

Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

On which port is the websocket and is the websocket started?

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago


Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

You have authentication turned on. Turn it off.

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago

Could you send a video to use this wpf app please?

Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

No. But this is how the settings should be:

OBS Websocket settings

Else you just click your way through.

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago

Thank you that error gone. Now after share my laptop camera in obs , show this message: image

Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

Your stream output should be on Custom....

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago

yes it is image

Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

Then it should work.

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago

this message appear : image And in my phone shows dark screen in live.

mammadkoma commented 3 years ago


Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

That's weird. I suspect it's something with the url.