Nerixyz / instagram_mqtt

Realtime and Push Notification (FBNS) support for the instagram-private-api
MIT License
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Can we receive live direct chat requests ? #49

Closed jafferkazmi572 closed 3 years ago

jafferkazmi572 commented 3 years ago

Hey Every one, i am building a chat bot service and want to get direct chat requests and approve them so that i can receive messages smoothly ? is there any way ?

What i know is that, direct requests can be get using ig.feed.directPending().items() @Nerixyz @TheNeKochan

Nerixyz commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure whether you'll receive message events using the realtime client on pending threads, but on accepted threads you'll want to look into the RealtimeClient. Now for pending threads, you can expect a notification, so fbns might be helpful here.

so that i can receive messages smoothly

I don't know what "smoothly" is in this context. You either get the message using the HTTP Api or the RealtimeClient.

jafferkazmi572 commented 3 years ago

No, I am only receiving messages from RealtimeClient for which threads are already accepted. But if i receive a message from a user first time , i have to first accept request from Instagram then i start receiving messages from that thread.

That's why i ask how can i get real time direct messages requests like real time messages and smoothly means here real time nothing else.

Anyway thanks for response and for fbns suggestion and it will be a great help if you just tell me what should i look in fbns for pending threads

Androz2091 commented 3 years ago

@jafferkazmi572 You can use FBNS. When someone will send you a DM it will emit the following payload:

super_user_root_2 is the user. THREAD_ID is the ID of the thread. USER_ID is the id of super_user_root_2 and MY_USER_ID is the user id of the bot using instagram_mqtt.

    message: 'super_user_root_2 wants to send you a message.',
    igAction: 'direct_v2?id=THREAD_ID&t=p',
    actionPath: 'direct_v2',
    actionParams: [Object: null prototype] {
        id: 'THREAD_ID',
        t: 'p'
    collapseKey: 'direct_v2_message',
    optionalAvatarUrl: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
    sound: 'default',
    pushId: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
    pushCategory: 'direct_v2_pending',
    intendedRecipientUserId: MY_USER_ID,
    sourceUserId: 'USER_ID',
    badgeCount: {}
Androz2091 commented 3 years ago could help you.

jafferkazmi572 commented 3 years ago

yeah thanks @Androz2091 , i have used fbns and it solved my problem