Neroth / gnome-shell-extension-weather

A simple extension for displaying weather informations from several cities in GNOME Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing city #136

Open jorgesca opened 11 years ago

jorgesca commented 11 years ago

Hi, after the latest update just today, my city isn't available anymore. This is with gnome 3.8.3 (from setting/overview) and gnome-shell 3.8.4. Please advice if/how to provide additional info

skipperTux commented 11 years ago

That's because of the move to LibGWeather, I am not very enthusiastic about. I really don't understand the LibGWeather projects goal and limitations. I mean, why should I care about weather in my neighbourhood-town, either above or below 100.000 people. I want to know the weather in my home-town, or where I'm going to travel to, regardless if big or small. And for example for my federal state (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) it lists Baal, a 3.900 people part-of-a-city village, but missing is Düsseldorf (capital city of the federal state), Cologne (4th largest City of Germany), Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen, Charlemagne Award, RWTH University) and many of the Ruhr region cities (Essen, Duisburg, Oberhausen...) For other states in Germany the situation is not better, and from other comments I conclude it's equally bad for other countries. I'm usually a strong advocate for common library usage, but in this case it rendered the extension useless for me (as gnome-weather always was).

speachy commented 11 years ago

The v2 move has rendered this extension useless for me as well; the towns of both my home and office (>60K population each!) aren't listed, though one in the middle is -- but it reports bogus temperature, humidity, and wind data, though the forecast and current conditions are sane.

The county seat of my county, with >100K people (and an international airport), isn't listed either.

And why is libgwweather going to the Norweigan Meterological Institute for data for towns in the USA? Egads. Time to start filing bugs left and right on libgweather.

jorgesca commented 11 years ago

Too bad! I really liked this extension, but now it is useless. Of course I'll try to find the missing info for my city and submit a bug to libgweather, but I am not too optimistic as they explicitely warn users NOT to ask for addition of a single town. Maybe the fact that my city is over 700K people and capital of a province still leaves a chance. Oh, well! Now to search for the missing data...

phw commented 11 years ago

That's a really unfortunate change. I had several locations tracked with this extensions, only one is still available. I had a look at the libgweather bugs, it seems to be a painful process to include new cities. E.g. was opened 5 years ago without progress. I like the idea of using common libraries as much as possible, but libgweather simply seems not to do a good work.

Neroth commented 11 years ago

Sorry everyone, I only tried to make the extension more integrate with GNOME. I search a solution :/ ...

jorgesca commented 11 years ago

No need to apologize! You already made this extension up on your own time for everybody to enjoy. Too bad libgweather isn't up to the job

2013/8/20 Christian Louis Gabriel METZLER

Sorry everyone, I only tried to make the extension more integrate with GNOME. I search a solution :/ ...

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

bungh0l3 commented 11 years ago

Well, why not simply go back to the way it was before the last update?

Worked pretty smooth (at least for me)...

Anyway, thanks for all your effort on this great extension! It has been one of my favorites for quite some time now (turning my head towards the window to check out the weather is like totally 1999) and will be again as soon as I am able to find my City. :)

orschiro commented 11 years ago

Hi Neroth,

I followed this discussion now and I did not see you commenting on the suggestion to simply revert the changes and go back to the old state when we had far more cities.

Any comments? Will it happen?

vezzmax commented 11 years ago

Same for me. I am from Argentina and this extension was very useful for me, I live in a city with 100K more people (Tandil) and it worked in the previous version. Now it is useless for me and it is a pity that I had to uninstall it after the update.

Neroth commented 11 years ago

Hi everyone ! Sorry for my absence ... I'm busy :s ... I will not go back, we need to wait until gweather will integrate all city :s ! But you can still use the old branch (3.6) :) !

I cannot work on the extension for now but I don't forget all of you ! ;) If I have time I will work on it this Sunday ;) !

Neroth commented 10 years ago

ferdnyc commented 10 years ago

Promising idea, but my enthusiasm is somewhat tempered by the footer text

LibGWeather/UseGeoNames (last edited 2012-03-06 11:21:07 by JavierJardon)

(The GNOME bug it references, that was last updated 2011-03-20 15:33:18 UTC.)

Neroth commented 10 years ago

We really need to contact libGWeather maintainer to improve libGWeather and not reback to Yahoo! or use another third party api.

If several people talk about this bug to gnome, it will be fixed ;) !

franziskuskiefer commented 10 years ago

I don't think that will happen any time soon... having a look at (last edited 2010-03-30): we cannot simply add every city that any GNOME user lives in There's also no progress in the LibGWeather repo regarding this issue. So I don't think using LibGWeather is a smart move. :unamused:

Neroth commented 10 years ago

I think that if everybody think like you, nothing will happen yes. (yes old but many patch so not impossible).

ferdnyc commented 10 years ago

I tend to agree with Neroth, in the context of a Gnome Shell weather-data extension using the Gnome built-in weather services makes total sense. It's not like this is a standalone or cross-platform application, there's a strong case for not reinventing the wheel.

(Also, keep in mind that libgweather is a compiled library written in C or C++, the weather extension is pure javascript. Implementing the data-retrieval code in the extension means orders of magnitude worse performance, plus higher resource consumption in the Shell.)

If there are shortcomings in libGWeather, then fixing them there:

  1. Keeps the extension code light and maintainable
  2. Lets the extension take advantage of any further enhancements to libGWeather (didn't I read something about weather map data coming in 3.10?)
  3. Means that all consumers of libGWeather benefit, not only this extension

I mean, everyone who can't get local weather data from the extension also can't get local weather data in the Gnome Weather application, correct? Have you all reported that to the Gnome developers, so that they understand how many users are impacted by the weather locality issue?

Neroth commented 10 years ago

+10 @ferdnyc

Weather data come from libGWeather and the extension + the app use it. So if you can't find a city in the extension you cannot find it in the app.

And yes libGWeather is a C prog ;) !

I don't know how to contact the GNOME Dev :s ... (I try to contact @gcampax but he don't respond). Open a new issue in the gnome bugzilla ? If someone will do it, I will send the link to every website in reference with the extension ;).

Someone have an other idea ? :)

We can do it :D !

Neroth commented 9 years ago

With the new version of libGWeather (3.14) ... you can ... FINALLY ! ... find your all city !! You need to wait like 3-4 sec for seeing it ;) ! Please try it and say here if it work (or not) for you too !