NervJS / taro

开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
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项目周报 (2021 年 8 月 7 日 - 2021 年 8 月 14 日) #10048

Closed taro-bot2[bot] closed 3 years ago

taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago


上周有 42 个新 issue。 14 个 issue 已经被关闭,28 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


:green_heart: #10047 使用了cssModules的组件无法通过createSelectorQuery().select(styles.scrollChoose) 获取信息, by hellozsh :green_heart: #10045 taro3 vue3 微信小程序内 数据监听与渲染异常, by acewill-hcm :green_heart: #10044 希望Taro直接支持wx.qy, by hjhwel :green_heart: #10040 地图Map组件挪动视野后点击marker事件,地图还原至挪动视野之前的位置和缩放比例, by yuluotuxi :green_heart: #10034 支持小程序骨架 skeleton, by jacktang :green_heart: #10033 安卓端APP首页隐藏顶部导航栏,子页面显示导航栏,进入子页面后通过手机返回键一直返回到手机桌面,再进入APP,首页会显示导航栏, by BS3385 :green_heart: #10032 Taro.setting缺少withSubscriptions 这个字段, by zhoustudent :green_heart: #10031 多个页面引用公共样式文件,打包后 wxss 内容重复, by LLLinusLLove :green_heart: #10030 增加微信小程序原生的 wx.exitMiniProgram(), by AnteeHub :green_heart: #10029 taro vue 对AtAccordion自定义控件进行循环遍历时,在IOS14.3微信小程序真机调试时,隐藏显示效果有BUG, by LoveCodeCSharp :green_heart: #10028 引用vant weapp中时间选择器组件,formatter和filter属性传参无法接收,无法正常使用, by lubo-fline :green_heart: #10027 h5环境执行build,没有创建page.config.js的对应的页面打包报错, by pangxiaolong :green_heart: #10026 windows系统打包报错, by lpc-g :green_heart: #10024 期望h5模式下入口挂载可以新增自定义根元素(或者id或class), by tan2009216028 :green_heart: #10023 Taro.canvasToTempFilePath报错“fail canvas is empty”, by LYNN-CHEN :green_heart: #10022 真机测试时更新状态页面刷新延迟, by minosss :green_heart: #10020 process.env.TARO_ENV赋值之后,代码打包与期望不符, by pangxiaolong :green_heart: #10019 Taro 现在支持mobx6.x 不?, by luozyiii :green_heart: #10018 钉钉初始化项目无法运行, by Victorldh :green_heart: #10015 Taro打包成小程序后页面报错Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined, by huangyiman :green_heart: #10014 router mode 设置 browser,打包后h5白屏, by xueerli :green_heart: #10012 AtNavBar 这个组件能不能兼容各种手机的头部, by neuscx :green_heart: #10011 有考虑支持多项目编译和管理的功能支持, by zjy2931 :green_heart: #10010 requestPayment方法 signType 传入 'RSA' ts报错, by adajoy :green_heart: #10008 Runtime 支持 MutationObserver 以适配 vue@^3.2, by b2nil :green_heart: #10007 fix(runtime): virtualList 微信小程序滚动时错误 TypeError: Illegal invocation, by qiulijun9 :green_heart: #10006 AtIndexes 跳转索引后会,稍等一会会返回顶部, by AimLuo :green_heart: #10005 字节小程序 WebView 无法相应 onMessage, by felix9ia


:heart: #10046 feat: add wx.exitMiniProgram(), by tu6ge :heart: #10043 chore: lerna, by Chen-jj :heart: #10041 docs(badge), by tu6ge :heart: #10039 3.2.10升级3.3.2出现 Compiled with warnings. " '@tarojs/runtime' does not contain an export named 'CurrentReconciler'., by Hicbik :heart: #10038 chore(release): publish 3.3.3, by Chen-jj :heart: #10037 cssModules 配置无效, by hellozsh :heart: #10036 cssModules 配置无效, by hellozsh :heart: #10035 使用vue3版本,安装@tarojs/plugin-html插件后,小程序编译map标签被转义为text标签, by biancangming :heart: #10025 希望支持无障碍相关属性, by Leon-z :heart: #10021 docs: update rn packages, by zhiqingchen :heart: #10017 Swiper 在 RN 使用报如下错误: ERROR Invariant Violation: Tried to register two views with the same name RNCViewPager, by xiamu14 :heart: #10016 修复开发小程序插件的问题, by luckyadam :heart: #10013 希望实现继承Taro.Component, by ElegantBrick :heart: #10009 feat(weapp): 为 weapp 平台添加 modifyRunnerOpts 钩子,使得小程序的 Taro 配置项得以暴露, by xuanzebin


上周有 25 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周有 18 个 pull request 更新: :yellow_heart: #10007 fix(runtime): virtualList 微信小程序滚动时错误 TypeError: Illegal invocation, by qiulijun9 :yellow_heart: #9971 feat(license): use Apache 2.0 license, by zhiqingchen :yellow_heart: #9968 chore(deps): bump react-native-screens from 2.18.1 to 3.5.0, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9917 update: update react-native docs, by skychx :yellow_heart: #9904 chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 7.6.1 to 13.1.0, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9884 百度小程序中 swiper-item、cover-view 和 cover-image 组件使用非递归方式渲染, by SyMind :yellow_heart: #9839 Fix types, by arniu :yellow_heart: #9756 chore(deps): bump history from 4.10.1 to 5.0.0, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9755 chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-cli from 3.3.12 to 4.7.2, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9754 chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 7.3.5, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9752 chore(deps-dev): bump jest-dom from 1.12.1 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9751 chore(deps): bump ora from 2.1.0 to 5.4.1, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9750 chore(deps): bump debug from 4.1.1 to 4.3.2, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9749 chore(deps): bump through2 from 2.0.5 to 4.0.2, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9747 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-values from 1.3.0 to 3.0.0, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #9743 feat: 新增快应用平台插件, by bgfist :yellow_heart: #9607 fix: 配置文件中 outputRoot 为绝对路径时打包输出的路径错误, by GoodbyeNJN :yellow_heart: #8400 feat(cli): add help command #8391, by honlyHuang


上周 merge 了 7 个 pull request:

:purple_heart: #10043 chore: lerna, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #10041 docs(badge), by tu6ge :purple_heart: #10038 chore(release): publish 3.3.3, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #10021 docs: update rn packages, by zhiqingchen :purple_heart: #10016 修复开发小程序插件的问题, by luckyadam :purple_heart: #10009 feat(weapp): 为 weapp 平台添加 modifyRunnerOpts 钩子,使得小程序的 Taro 配置项得以暴露, by xuanzebin :purple_heart: #9999 docs: fix nutui 主题定制使用方式描述修改, by richard1015


上周共有 6 个 提交:

:hammer_and_wrench: chore: lerna by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: docs(badge) (#10041) by tu6ge :hammer_and_wrench: chore(release): publish 3.3.3 (#10038) by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: feat(weapp): 为 weapp 平台添加 modifyRunnerOpts 钩子,使得小程序的 Taro 配置项得以暴露 (#10009) by xuanzebin :hammer_and_wrench: fix: 修复插件中调用 Taro 挂载 api 出错的问题,close #9587 by luckyadam :hammer_and_wrench: fix(mini-runner): 修复开发小程序插件是修改文件报错,close #9610 by luckyadam


上周共有 4 名独立贡献者:

:bust_in_silhouette: Chen-jj :bust_in_silhouette: tu6ge :bust_in_silhouette: xuanzebin :bust_in_silhouette: luckyadam



上周获得了 55 个 star。它们分别来自于:

:star: aupni330991 | :star: lcstore | :star: liuarui | :star: lisazhangkai | :star: huiwenhan | :star: Hlacer | :star: dmlbqkangmb | :star: ShenHongFei | :star: isnowify | :star: xiudaoze | :star: victorLyw | :star: chenshanx | :star: burxtx | :star: CYFW | :star: poboc | :star: happy760690 | :star: TikkyLiu | :star: dmljc | :star: yangjisen | :star: chenyRain | :star: MagnumGoYB | :star: wxy1234567890 | :star: dsheng | :star: jwork365 | :star: powerQiu | :star: yyl134934 | :star: lubo-fline | :star: asyura | :star: ErikQQY | :star: zxzybin | :star: mhxy13867806343 | :star: xxxIxxxx | :star: fanlei1988 | :star: haobaozhong | :star: Evermoreeee | :star: rustleliu | :star: xuxiaowei-com-cn | :star: duzc2 | :star: MengMengDaXiaoJi | :star: jand152 | :star: TopTalent333 | :star: z0aiyx | :star: Aceysx | :star: trunkszi | :star: best-love | :star: hb-li | :star: dmzh01 | :star: PointerToNextPole | :star: crazyblz | :star: Earmousekun | :star: ryk072018 | :star: alicfeng | :star: 0823969789 | :star: infinity1207 | :star: HailongJson | You all are the stars! :star2:

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taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago

您的 Issue 没有按照规范从 [Taro Issue Helper]() 创建,因此会被直接关闭。

维护开源项目是一项非常辛苦的工作,还请多多包涵。 了解为什么这么严格?