NervJS / taro

开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
34.89k stars 4.73k forks source link

项目周报 (2024 年 4 月 27 日 - 2024 年 5 月 4 日) #15634

Closed taro-bot2[bot] closed 3 weeks ago

taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 weeks ago


上周有 24 个新 issue。 12 个 issue 已经被关闭,12 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


:green_heart: #15614 无法用代码触发组件(Button)的 Tap 事件, by loocor :green_heart: #15613 chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-vue from 8.7.1 to 9.25.0, by dependabot[bot] :green_heart: #15612 chore(deps-dev): bump rollup from 3.21.5 to 4.17.2, by dependabot[bot] :green_heart: #15610 制作 vite 插件, by ianzone :green_heart: #15609 支持 TanStack 路由, by ianzone :green_heart: #15604 Refactor/components dependencies, by ZEJIA-LIU :green_heart: #15602 NavigateTo方法url属性值为不存在路径时,不触发onPageNotFound方法, by heweishui :green_heart: #15601 canvasToTempFilePath接口返回tempFilePath值为undefined, by heweishui :green_heart: #15600 fix: eslint(版本更新,已被弃用的 CLIEngine 方法。在最新版本的 ESLint 中,CLIEngine 方法已经被移除…, by lms-sam :green_heart: #15599 feat: taro同步方法支持缓存,并且支持外部注册和扩展, by changshuai7 :green_heart: #15595 feat: 将taro-plugin-solid与taro-plugin-react分离, by phy-lei :green_heart: #15589 请问国际化组件react-intl-universal 在taro中怎么用? , by xian107


:heart: #15608 默认打开浏览器时,可以优先使用 localhost 而不是一个 IP 地址吗?, by Jeff-Tian :heart: #15606 feat(harmony): generate sourceRoot using path.resove, by baosiqing :heart: #15605 Feat/resolve, by baosiqing :heart: #15603 默认走native,不走oschannel通道, by handsomeliuyang :heart: #15598 chore(release): publish 3.6.28-harmony-hybrid-alpha.0 --tag=alpha, by handsomeliuyang :heart: #15597 fix(prebundle): 兼容 webpack v5.90+ 后新增的 EnvironmentNotSupportAsyncWarn, by koppthe :heart: #15596 Feat/compile flexview, by yoturg :heart: #15594 测试使用, by handsomeliuyang :heart: #15593 oschannel实现优化,支持业务代态动态选择, by handsomeliuyang :heart: #15592 Feat/pure compont, by yoturg :heart: #15591 Feat/pure compont, by yoturg :heart: #15590 Harmony-hybird的request的实现优化,request的h5版本复用taro-h5的实现,同时通过接口参数,业务可以灵活选择实现机制, by handsomeliuyang


上周有 39 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周有 27 个 pull request 更新: :yellow_heart: #15613 chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-vue from 8.7.1 to 9.25.0, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15612 chore(deps-dev): bump rollup from 3.21.5 to 4.17.2, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15604 Refactor/components dependencies, by ZEJIA-LIU :yellow_heart: #15600 fix: eslint(版本更新,已被弃用的 CLIEngine 方法。在最新版本的 ESLint 中,CLIEngine 方法已经被移除…, by lms-sam :yellow_heart: #15599 feat: taro同步方法支持缓存,并且支持外部注册和扩展, by changshuai7 :yellow_heart: #15584 feat(cli): upgrade @vue/language-server for JetBrains IDE, by anyesu :yellow_heart: #15582 fix: 修改Windows运行时sass1.37.5版本的sass uri must have scheme 'file:'的bug, by fengwangyang :yellow_heart: #15576 【harmony-hybrid】解决返回时上一个页面瞬间白屏的问题, by heweishui :yellow_heart: #15540 fix: 修改判断,考虑初始绑定的事件为空的情况, by shushu2013 :yellow_heart: #15539 feat: [4.x]solid在web端的适配, by phy-lei :yellow_heart: #15533 feat: nativeApi同步获取Native数据支持缓存, by changshuai7 :yellow_heart: #15512 fix: [4.x]修复小程序端solid的响应式丢失问题, by phy-lei :yellow_heart: #15435 fix: 兼容实际屏幕宽度为小数的情况, by guoenxuan :yellow_heart: #15434 fix: 解决页面切换的问题, by guoenxuan :yellow_heart: #15432 Refactor/dependencies, by Chen-jj :yellow_heart: #15417 fix(cli): 更新内置默认模板 tsconfig.json, by anyesu :yellow_heart: #15404 chore(deps): bump @babel/preset-react from 7.18.6 to 7.24.1, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15392 types: 修改request请求api的complete res参数类型,与success一致, by phy-lei :yellow_heart: #15383 fix: expo/metro高版本丢失projectRoot的问题, by junhwong :yellow_heart: #15381 fix(component-rn): 修复Input、Text组件无法获取ref问题 (#15380), by Hooych :yellow_heart: #15369 chore(deps): bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.10.0 to 7.34.1, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15343 fix: 更新radioGroup的状态, by OrrinHatch :yellow_heart: #15201 chore(deps): bump andymckay/cancel-action from 0.3 to 0.4, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15200 chore(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15127 chore(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4, by dependabot[bot] :yellow_heart: #15124 增加项目构建信息分析展示功能, by luckyadam :yellow_heart: #15113 fix(templates): 更新依赖,以解决 @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin 更新导致的 require is not defined 异常, by weizs


上周 merge 了 12 个 pull request:

:purple_heart: #15606 feat(harmony): generate sourceRoot using path.resove, by baosiqing :purple_heart: #15603 默认走native,不走oschannel通道, by handsomeliuyang :purple_heart: #15598 chore(release): publish 3.6.28-harmony-hybrid-alpha.0 --tag=alpha, by handsomeliuyang :purple_heart: #15597 fix(prebundle): 兼容 webpack v5.90+ 后新增的 EnvironmentNotSupportAsyncWarn, by koppthe :purple_heart: #15596 Feat/compile flexview, by yoturg :purple_heart: #15593 oschannel实现优化,支持业务代态动态选择, by handsomeliuyang :purple_heart: #15592 Feat/pure compont, by yoturg :purple_heart: #15590 Harmony-hybird的request的实现优化,request的h5版本复用taro-h5的实现,同时通过接口参数,业务可以灵活选择实现机制, by handsomeliuyang :purple_heart: #15577 【harmony-hybrid】解决打开第1个页面时在鸿蒙平台动画不能真正的停止的问题 , by heweishui :purple_heart: #15549 feat: 适配微信 Skyline 组件, by koppthe :purple_heart: #15224 chore(deps): bump pnpm/action-setup from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0, by dependabot[bot] :purple_heart: #15199 chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4, by dependabot[bot]


上周共有 15 个 提交:

:hammer_and_wrench: feat(lint): 更新规则限制 by ZakaryCode :hammer_and_wrench: chore(deps): bump pnpm/action-setup from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 by dependabot[bot] :hammer_and_wrench: fix(router): transition 默认置空 (#15577) by heweishui :hammer_and_wrench: chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 by dependabot[bot] :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #15603 from handsomeliuyang/main by qican777 :hammer_and_wrench: 默认走native,不走oschannel通道 by 58liuyang :hammer_and_wrench: feat: 适配微信 Skyline 组件 (#15549) by koppthe :hammer_and_wrench: fix(prebundle): 兼容 webpack v5.90+ 后新增的 EnvironmentNotSupportAsyncWarning 检查问题 by koppthe :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #15593 from handsomeliuyang/main by qican777 :hammer_and_wrench: oschannel实现优化,支持业务代态动态选择 by 58liuyang :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #15590 from handsomeliuyang/main by qican777 :hammer_and_wrench: lint格式化 by 58liuyang :hammer_and_wrench: 补全debug api by 58liuyang :hammer_and_wrench: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' by 58liuyang :hammer_and_wrench: request的实现优化,request的h5版本复用taro-h5的实现,同时通过接口参数,业务可以灵活选择实现机制 by 58liuyang


上周共有 6 名独立贡献者:

:bust_in_silhouette: ZakaryCode :bust_in_silhouette: dependabot[bot] :bust_in_silhouette: heweishui :bust_in_silhouette: qican777 :bust_in_silhouette: 58liuyang :bust_in_silhouette: koppthe



上周获得了 34 个 star。它们分别来自于:

:star: lhj502819 | :star: chenlie84 | :star: at0717 | :star: igangang | :star: liujun0915 | :star: TATOAO | :star: jzwb | :star: skyzhang0 | :star: gotomypc | :star: luck-tian | :star: godwarlock | :star: jackwuhub | :star: DerunDmw | :star: ZDD910831353 | :star: linsem123 | :star: sxwangh | :star: guangzhi1213 | :star: Eayrs-Tang | :star: xapp21word | :star: SweeperDuan | :star: kristie239 | :star: woshiji1987 | :star: kevin-00 | :star: songxiaoliang | :star: jarveis | :star: Men1scus | :star: oneway333 | :star: aote777 | :star: kityeungfe | :star: z0gSh1u | :star: Frieren002 | :star: thoulee21 | :star: xiaodongxier | :star: Kvxin | You all are the stars! :star2:

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