NervJS / taro

开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
35.37k stars 4.78k forks source link

项目周报 (2021 年 3 月 13 日 - 2021 年 3 月 20 日) #8948

Closed taro-bot2[bot] closed 3 years ago

taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago


上周有 46 个新 issue。 26 个 issue 已经被关闭,20 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


:green_heart: #8947 原生组件事件不能被正确触发, by superNos :green_heart: #8946 taro-ui-vue 模板创建的问题, by SensitiveMix :green_heart: #8945 supportXS 在3.1.4版本下竟然是开启的,导致编译出来的sjs引用错误, by kinghoo5201 :green_heart: #8938 使用vant dialog 传递 beforeClose 无效, by LengYXin :green_heart: #8937 H5 Input 受控组件在重新赋值时去掉输入字符串中的空格,输入框数据没有发生改变, by dontdrinkmylemontea :green_heart: #8936 VirtualList 滑动卡顿, by MarshallYang :green_heart: #8933 当配置 minifyXML.collapseWhitespace=true 时 驼峰式的 props 会失效, by LengYXin :green_heart: #8931 response header 没有信息, by yoke233 :green_heart: #8930 升级至3.1.3 打包提示找不到页面实例, by lunaticYoung :green_heart: #8928 文档: 微信小程序自定义编译配置在官方文档找不到, by yangger6 :green_heart: #8927 编译为 h5 之后,标签全部为 web-componet(taro-view-core)模式,致使项目的css标签打包为h5时,选择全部失效。, by NO-MAP :green_heart: #8924 TypeError: Cannot read property 'getStackAddendum' of undefined, by huiliuliuhui :green_heart: #8917 taro 3.1.4 的 在包装模块的时候会给模块注入window, by kinghoo5201 :green_heart: #8916 recoil atom在修改时传入数组显示window is not undefined, by cloud2303 :green_heart: #8906 自定义tabbar中,使用useRouter会出现null, by liuhuapiaoyuan :green_heart: #8905 小程序自定义插件使用小程序导出方法问题, by sk894703472 :green_heart: #8902 Error: 没有找到页面实例。, by zuozhea :green_heart: #8896 【这是不合理的】pxTransform 在 h5 中在 H5 中运行需要把配置中的 designWidth 作为第二个参数传入, by SyMind :green_heart: #8895 小程序无法调用usingComponents组件的方法函数, by banli17 :green_heart: #8894 AtInput maxLength或maxlength都不起作用, by banli17


:heart: #8943 chore(release): publish 2.2.17, by luckyadam :heart: #8942 docs: 更新 RN 端部分文档, by iChengbo :heart: #8941 css scss less 文件引入省略拓展文件默认补全拓展 && import alias 特性支持, by shinken008 :heart: #8940 微信小程序开发Swiper时onChange事件必须附增current属性, by guoseven :heart: #8932 3.1.3更新后,页面的index.config.ts的配置不生效, by 179778978 :heart: #8929 支付宝小程序消息订阅插件无法使用, by harwinvoid :heart: #8926 taro 最新 react 模板 h5 无法运行, by CristalFJJ :heart: #8925 taro 最新 react 模板 h5 无法运行, by CristalFJJ :heart: #8919 钉钉平台下编译时alipay的runtime plugin-platform-alipay 没有编译进去,造成Taro.addInterceptor等API无法调用, by DevanXU :heart: #8918 Button组件内部的Button无法正常编译, by lbb1811 :heart: #8915 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8914 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8913 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8912 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8911 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8910 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8909 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #8908 chore(release): publish 3.1.4, by Chen-jj :heart: #8907 fix(cli): 修复环境变量失效的问题,fix #8900, by Chen-jj :heart: #8904 types: getUserProfile, by baranwang :heart: #8903 feat: 添加getUserProfile 类型定义, by PlutoCA :heart: #8901 taro 2 版本如何 快速实现 使用微信新的标签组件 keyboard-accessory, by keepresolve :heart: #8900 taro 升级3.1.3后无法识别process.env.TARO_ENV, by kinghoo5201 :heart: #8899 怎么关闭 template 功能?, by LengYXin :heart: #8898 丢失环境变量, by yaobiao131 :heart: #8897 fix(runtime): 修复无法移除组件的class, by KeenV


上周有 21 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周有 11 个 pull request 更新: :yellow_heart: #8879 chore(deps): bump @babel/preset-env from 7.11.0 to 7.13.10, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8878 chore(deps): bump css-what from 3.4.2 to 5.0.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8845 chore(deps): [security] bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8832 chore(deps): bump typescript from 4.1.5 to 4.2.3, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8831 chore(deps): bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.11.0 to 7.13.8, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8830 chore(deps): bump @babel/register from 7.9.0 to 7.13.8, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8771 chore(deps): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.8.0 to 1.3.9, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8667 chore(deps): bump sass-loader from 6.0.7 to 7.3.1, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8614 chore(deps): bump eslint-plugin-react-hooks from 1.7.0 to 4.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8135 feat(mini-runner/mini-split-chunks): 添加小程序提取公共模块插件,主包没有引用的,且分包内引用的mod…, by huangcj99 :yellow_heart: #7622 feat(taroize): 在编译时区分出props与state使得结果更符合预期, by gjc9620


上周 merge 了 10 个 pull request:

:purple_heart: #8943 chore(release): publish 2.2.17, by luckyadam :purple_heart: #8942 docs: 更新 RN 端部分文档, by iChengbo :purple_heart: #8908 chore(release): publish 3.1.4, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #8907 fix(cli): 修复环境变量失效的问题,fix #8900, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #8904 types: getUserProfile, by baranwang :purple_heart: #8897 fix(runtime): 修复无法移除组件的class, by KeenV :purple_heart: #8892 docs(plugin): typo, by pcdotfan :purple_heart: #8865 fix(component): 修复Input组件粘贴无效的问题(#8862), by gxsandzxl :purple_heart: #8697 fix(taro-components): eslint 配置 & tabbar 类型推导, by SyMind :purple_heart: #8683 fix(taro): 修复 api 的 typescript 类型定义错误 #8682, by doublethinkio


上周共有 9 个 提交:

:hammer_and_wrench: fix(tabbar): 移除的事件类型错误 by SyMind :hammer_and_wrench: fix(taro-components): eslint 配置 & tabbar 类型推导 by SyMind :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #8683 from doublethinkio/next by ZakaryCode :hammer_and_wrench: Merge branch 'next' into next by ZakaryCode :hammer_and_wrench: fix: extra space by ZakaryCode :hammer_and_wrench: chore(release): publish 3.1.4 (#8908) by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(runtime): 修复无法移除组件的class (#8897) by KeenV :hammer_and_wrench: types: getUserProfile by baranwang :hammer_and_wrench: fix(cli): 修复环境变量失效的问题,fix #8900 by Chen-jj


上周共有 5 名独立贡献者:

:bust_in_silhouette: SyMind :bust_in_silhouette: ZakaryCode :bust_in_silhouette: Chen-jj :bust_in_silhouette: KeenV :bust_in_silhouette: baranwang



上周获得了 57 个 star。它们分别来自于:

:star: zhumayer | :star: yaohaizh | :star: zhengxkq | :star: RezapU | :star: bdmod | :star: locatesource | :star: Sumuyzzz | :star: tuanducdesign | :star: 11039180068 | :star: xingwanyue | :star: LianYS123 | :star: galenyuan | :star: landonzeng | :star: loo100 | :star: wsx123456 | :star: dbaspider | :star: Chordp | :star: 1393925530 | :star: aidelingdongli | :star: ShawnTu | :star: LIAOJIANS | :star: dewey-0 | :star: yipanhuasheng | :star: fangmd | :star: zhansingsong | :star: pmb2020 | :star: yangpeng515 | :star: zzjguo | :star: gingerJY | :star: sighs | :star: chenillen | :star: chenshaonian | :star: Hank-Zhou | :star: xunihao1993 | :star: enimo | :star: nbcloud | :star: YboLan | :star: gaiguodonfbu | :star: hassanc | :star: yeyuqh | :star: xinumh | :star: Alienover | :star: TwistedLC | :star: 1orz | :star: ChangeBegin | :star: bombond | :star: SShnoodles | :star: SuperYu6492 | :star: galeo | :star: em-heqian | :star: Domingowen | :star: Maxxxz | :star: chenyun120 | :star: ZwiebelnX | :star: CrazyMrYan | :star: someOneJYB | :star: 516310460 | You all are the stars! :star2:

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taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago

您的 Issue 没有按照规范从 [Taro Issue Helper]() 创建,因此会被直接关闭。

维护开源项目是一项非常辛苦的工作,还请多多包涵。 了解为什么这么严格?