NervJS / taro

开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
35.34k stars 4.77k forks source link

项目周报 (2021 年 4 月 3 日 - 2021 年 4 月 10 日) #9072

Closed taro-bot2[bot] closed 3 years ago

taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago


上周有 41 个新 issue。 24 个 issue 已经被关闭,17 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


:green_heart: #9071 uploadFile在window下的微信客户端上传图片失败,但在其他的移动端还有mac端都是正常的。, by qqgiy :green_heart: #9070 LivePusher组件需要bindaudiovolumenotify支持, by xiaoice :green_heart: #9069 版本从3.0.x升级到3.1.x、3.2.x报错, by xiaoice :green_heart: #9068 缺少 chain 参数,导致无法识别H5的多端文件, by linshengjian :green_heart: #9067 Error: You gave us a visitor for the node type StaticBlock but it's not a valid type, by everything8 :green_heart: #9063 fix(types): 修复CanvasProps中onTouch系列函数的类型, by ryougifujino :green_heart: #9062 fix(types): 补充Canvas类型中缺失的属性, by ryougifujino :green_heart: #9060 types: adjust the definition of getUserProfile, by atzcl :green_heart: #9055 有计划对Vant Weapp组件依赖进行分析吗, by tianxing0923 :green_heart: #9046 dev:rn 报错 不存在编译平台 rn, by xytaizi1230 :green_heart: #9045 使用自定义命令行时(registerPlatform),会出现taro-ui找不到目录的情况, by CJ921008 :green_heart: #9044 taro 2.2.15 打包构建报错, by jeft224 :green_heart: #9041 希望可以针对 Vue / Vue 3 完善一下组件事件监听的文档, by ItsRyanWu :green_heart: #9039 taro 1.3.46 regeneratorRuntime undefined, by monyee :green_heart: #9038 usingComponents 引用无效, by xuxiaoxiao312 :green_heart: #9036 taro 2.2.17 init模板编译报错, by wangruiStart :green_heart: #9033 支持Vue3的虚拟列表, by LoveofRedMoon


:heart: #9066 嵌套生成多级的模板,超过阈值时,会使用comp生成自定义组件,导致Taro.createSelectorQuery().select获取不到comp里面的组件, by ywmail :heart: #9065 fix(runtime): 非 Taro 环境不覆盖 window 对象属性, by xughv :heart: #9064 非 Taro 项目中使用 @tarojs/components 报错, by xughv :heart: #9061 docs: 新增博客《Taro 3.2 版本正式发布:React Native 支持,王者归来》, by iChengbo :heart: #9059 await Taro.request(params)无效,根本就不是同步的, by shijunti19 :heart: #9058 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9057 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9056 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9054 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9053 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9052 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9051 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9050 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #9049 fix(cli): 默认模版调整头条小程序的配置文件, by Chen-jj :heart: #9048 fix(cli): 默认模版增加头条小程序的配置文件, by Chen-jj :heart: #9047 chore(release): publish 3.2.1, by Chen-jj :heart: #9043 Taro 代码与微信小程序原生代码混写项目支持转QQ小程序, by duyanren :heart: #9042 Taro 代码与微信小程序原生代码混写的项目还能转成QQ小程序或者支付宝小程序吗?, by duyanren :heart: #9040 fix(components): taro input unexpected type, by CodeDaraW :heart: #9037 taro3 externalClasses 无效, by Wkevin8 :heart: #9035 更新到taro3.1.4后npm run build:dev:h5部署上线报错, by qwerlp :heart: #9034 fix(mini-runner): vue3 slot not distributing content, by b2nil :heart: #9032 关于wx.getUserProfile, by chuyinweilai :heart: #9031 Feat apis & comps, by Chen-jj


上周有 25 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周打开了 3 个 pull request: :green_heart: #9063 fix(types): 修复CanvasProps中onTouch系列函数的类型, by ryougifujino :green_heart: #9062 fix(types): 补充Canvas类型中缺失的属性, by ryougifujino :green_heart: #9060 types: adjust the definition of getUserProfile, by atzcl


上周有 14 个 pull request 更新: :yellow_heart: #9068 缺少 chain 参数,导致无法识别H5的多端文件, by linshengjian :yellow_heart: #9030 chore(deps): [security] bump react-native-webview from 10.10.2 to 11.3.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9001 chore(deps): bump @babel/preset-env from 7.11.0 to 7.13.12, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9000 chore(deps): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.8.0 to 1.4.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8999 chore(deps): bump @babel/register from 7.9.0 to 7.13.14, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8979 fix: 解决 h5 navigateBack调用delta>1时,路由栈异常问题, by yoonzm :yellow_heart: #8954 fix: 补全 cover-view 在配合 map 组件使用时的特殊属性, by jay4q :yellow_heart: #8878 chore(deps): bump css-what from 3.4.2 to 5.0.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8845 chore(deps): [security] bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8832 chore(deps): bump typescript from 4.1.5 to 4.2.3, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8831 chore(deps): bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.11.0 to 7.13.8, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8667 chore(deps): bump sass-loader from 6.0.7 to 7.3.1, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8614 chore(deps): bump eslint-plugin-react-hooks from 1.7.0 to 4.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8135 feat(mini-runner/mini-split-chunks): (主包大小最优方案)添加小程序提取公共模块插件,主包没有引用的,且分包内引用的mod…, by huangcj99


上周 merge 了 8 个 pull request:

:purple_heart: #9065 fix(runtime): 非 Taro 环境不覆盖 window 对象属性, by xughv :purple_heart: #9061 docs: 新增博客《Taro 3.2 版本正式发布:React Native 支持,王者归来》, by iChengbo :purple_heart: #9049 fix(cli): 默认模版调整头条小程序的配置文件, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9048 fix(cli): 默认模版增加头条小程序的配置文件, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9047 chore(release): publish 3.2.1, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9040 fix(components): taro input unexpected type, by CodeDaraW :purple_heart: #9034 fix(mini-runner): vue3 slot not distributing content, by b2nil :purple_heart: #9031 Feat apis & comps, by Chen-jj


上周共有 11 个 提交:

:hammer_and_wrench: fix(runtime): window 对象属性覆盖兼容非 Taro 构建环境 (#9065) by xughv :hammer_and_wrench: chore(release): publish 3.2.1 (#9047) by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(cli): 默认模版调整头条小程序的配置文件 by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(cli): 默认模版增加头条小程序的配置文件 by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(mini-runner): vue3 slot not updating content, #9018 by b2nil :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #9031 from NervJS/feat-apis by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into feat-apis by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(ci): 更新 snapshot,整理 dev 依赖 by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(components): taro input unexpected type (#9040) by CodeDaraW :hammer_and_wrench: feat(weapp): 增加 page-container 组件,fix #8966 by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: feat(apis): 为支付宝、微信小程序增加蓝牙相关 API,fix #9016 by Chen-jj


上周共有 4 名独立贡献者:

:bust_in_silhouette: xughv :bust_in_silhouette: Chen-jj :bust_in_silhouette: b2nil :bust_in_silhouette: CodeDaraW



上周获得了 55 个 star。它们分别来自于:

:star: dong136279559 | :star: 2214962083 | :star: Albert-cord | :star: xwyangjshb | :star: Jaccccccccccccccccccccccccccccck | :star: WhiteNight8 | :star: amadalinyang | :star: SteveKingFord | :star: zyfmix | :star: qqgiy | :star: DXG9527 | :star: uplemon | :star: Lang-sl | :star: xytaizi1230 | :star: PandaHermit | :star: WangShaoyu1 | :star: iMkaxNT | :star: joanob | :star: derron | :star: leijin3 | :star: hemiaoio | :star: liuxing95 | :star: vadxq | :star: prowlee | :star: hhkhub | :star: BraveAlan | :star: hagui658 | :star: microdog | :star: ankeji | :star: kijlove | :star: marcohorse115 | :star: summeryio | :star: Septillions | :star: a1lsa | :star: littleweb | :star: maxzhang666 | :star: jokerdoc | :star: maxrks | :star: likuann | :star: SYUSHENS | :star: zhangkaizhangkai | :star: tangwch | :star: 15270003487 | :star: cqyisbug | :star: yzf94 | :star: chenzhonghu | :star: gaoxianglyx | :star: not3 | :star: mengwuhen | :star: tblx | :star: DavidChenLondon | :star: Song2017 | :star: hanfangyu | :star: UzMx | :star: nobiit | You all are the stars! :star2:

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taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago

您的 Issue 没有按照规范从 [Taro Issue Helper]() 创建,因此会被直接关闭。

维护开源项目是一项非常辛苦的工作,还请多多包涵。 了解为什么这么严格?