NervJS / taro

开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
35.37k stars 4.78k forks source link

项目周报 (2021 年 5 月 29 日 - 2021 年 6 月 5 日) #9464

Closed taro-bot2[bot] closed 3 years ago

taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago


上周有 44 个新 issue。 17 个 issue 已经被关闭,27 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


:green_heart: #9463 taro v3.2.10 开发小程序插件,插件暴露的组件无法获取入参的值, by vivialex :green_heart: #9462 Taro H5 browser 路由在阿里mpaas 框架webview中无法打开,白屏, by xiehui999 :green_heart: #9461 使用createSelectorQuery获取canvas的node时提示node不是一个函数, by yerphon :green_heart: #9460 fix(virtual-list): 修复 Virtual List 组件在支付宝小程序中的兼容性问题, by liwei9995 :green_heart: #9459 Picker组件无法触发onColumnChange事件, by zy19940510 :green_heart: #9458 fix(@tarojs/taro-mini-runner): 修复第三方平台自定义后缀名的公共样式文件未被引入全局样式问题, by xmmwc :green_heart: #9457 3.2.10 开发小程序插件, by vivialex :green_heart: #9456 Update, by froyo-naux :green_heart: #9455 typescript 4.3.2: '(' expected., by fjc0k :green_heart: #9453 编译支付宝小程序时,modifyPageTemplate方法内部报错, by hyphappy011 :green_heart: #9452 我两个scrollviw,两个都写上onScroll监听,里面的那个监听还是会执行到外层scrollview的监听方法, by yuanbolin :green_heart: #9451 taro升级到最新版本v3.2.10后,第三放库jwt-decode使用报错message: "Invalid token specified: Illegal invocation", by fozero :green_heart: #9444 taro3.2.7不支持支付宝小程序使用原生自定义组件, by ShiLiuShu :green_heart: #9442 h5 打包到生产,放在三级目录下,路由访问不到。报Uncaught Invariant Violation: Can not find proper registered route for '/xtcapp/v1/defendfarm', by AndyXuan :green_heart: #9440 taro h5端的scrollview在ios9(9.3.2)上获取不到event, by crixusshen :green_heart: #9437 FileSystemManager 相关方法的 typescript 类型定义不正确, by janpoem :green_heart: #9435 h5怎么上传word,excel文件, by sunupdong :green_heart: #9433 feat: add keyboard-accessory component, by baranwang :green_heart: #9429 button组件模版编译不支持data-channel属性(base:字节小程序), by coder-xsy :green_heart: #9427 chore(deps): bump css-what from 3.4.2 to 5.0.1, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #9426 chore(deps): bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.11.0 to 7.14.4, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #9425 chore(deps): bump typescript from 4.2.4 to 4.3.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #9423 fix(type): 修复RN端hoverStyle类型问题, by p697 :green_heart: #9422 Windows 下小程序开启optimizeMainPackage优化主包大小后webpack打包报错, by fengyibo :green_heart: #9421 在@tarojs/rn-style-transformer中将node-sass替换为dart-sass, by chareice :green_heart: #9420 补充 wx.choosePoi 接口, by wenmingtang :green_heart: #9419 项目周报 (2021 年 5 月 22 日 - 2021 年 5 月 29 日), by taro-bot2[bot]


:heart: #9454 rn 启动支持动态传入参数,跳转指定页面,增加透传react-navigation参数, by zhiqingchen :heart: #9450 mac 11.4系统打包产物出现Function调用, by yymzy :heart: #9449 fix(components): 修复Vue2 H5中Input不能设置密码框,fix #9443, by Chen-jj :heart: #9447 build h5 安卓手机加载报错: 'super' keyword unexpected here , by rabbitao :heart: #9446 在taro3.2.10版本里会报错Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'designWidth' of undefined, by GZWZC :heart: #9445 fix(cli): 删除默认模版的 npmrc 文件,fix #9398, by Chen-jj :heart: #9443 vue input type 设置 password 密码框无效, by DingLQ :heart: #9441 fix(shared): 修复 MovableView 滑动事件不触发的问题,fix #9438, by Chen-jj :heart: #9439 fix(runtime): 优化暴露给开发者的页面路由参数,close #9414, by Chen-jj :heart: #9438 MovableView onHTouchMove无法捕捉, by AnthonyHao :heart: #9436 vue中 无法使用小程序的bindanimationend 和bindtranstionend, by HZZformGD :heart: #9434 Taro.downloadFile 返回的不是一个有效的 DownloadTask 实例, by janpoem :heart: #9432 Update components-react.d.ts, by baranwang :heart: #9431 微信群加入不进去, by jacktang :heart: #9430 开发环境并没有执行eslint检查, by Benjaminbai :heart: #9428 ScrollView 组件不能触发onDragStart、onDraging、onDragEnd等方法, by wugaoliang1116 :heart: #9424 Taro 2 支持 Babel 7.x, by chuyun


上周有 23 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周打开了 1 个 pull request: :green_heart: #9456 Update, by froyo-naux


上周有 15 个 pull request 更新: :yellow_heart: #9460 fix(virtual-list): 修复 Virtual List 组件在支付宝小程序中的兼容性问题, by liwei9995 :yellow_heart: #9458 fix(@tarojs/taro-mini-runner): 修复第三方平台自定义后缀名的公共样式文件未被引入全局样式问题, by xmmwc :yellow_heart: #9433 feat: add keyboard-accessory component, by baranwang :yellow_heart: #9427 chore(deps): bump css-what from 3.4.2 to 5.0.1, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9426 chore(deps): bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.11.0 to 7.14.4, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9425 chore(deps): bump typescript from 4.2.4 to 4.3.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9423 fix(type): 修复RN端hoverStyle类型问题, by p697 :yellow_heart: #9408 chore(deps): [security] bump react-native-webview from 10.10.2 to 11.6.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9328 fix(@tarojs/extend): query 判空&抛出异常, by alexlees :yellow_heart: #9308 chore(deps): [security] bump swiper from 4.4.2 to 6.5.1, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9264 chore(deps): [security] bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9249 chore(deps): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.8.0 to 1.6.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9164 chore(deps): bump sass-loader from 6.0.7 to 11.0.1, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #9162 chore(deps): bump @babel/register from 7.9.0 to 7.13.16, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #8614 chore(deps): bump eslint-plugin-react-hooks from 1.7.0 to 4.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]


上周 merge 了 7 个 pull request:

:purple_heart: #9454 rn 启动支持动态传入参数,跳转指定页面,增加透传react-navigation参数, by zhiqingchen :purple_heart: #9449 fix(components): 修复Vue2 H5中Input不能设置密码框,fix #9443, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9445 fix(cli): 删除默认模版的 npmrc 文件,fix #9398, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9441 fix(shared): 修复 MovableView 滑动事件不触发的问题,fix #9438, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9439 fix(runtime): 优化暴露给开发者的页面路由参数,close #9414, by Chen-jj :purple_heart: #9416 feat: 支持小程序独立分包, by luckyadam :purple_heart: #9278 fix(weapp): 补全微信小程序 Textarea 的属性, by Chen-jj


上周共有 9 个 提交:

:hammer_and_wrench: rn 启动支持动态传入参数,跳转指定页面,增加透传react-navigation参数 (#9454) by zhiqingchen :hammer_and_wrench: fix(components): 修复Vue2 H5中Input不能设置密码框,fix #9443 (#9449) by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(runtime): 优化暴露给开发者的页面路由参数,close #9414 by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(shared): 修复 MovableView 滑动事件不触发的问题,fix #9438 (#9441) by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix(cli): 删除默认模版的 npmrc 文件,fix #9398 by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #9278 from NervJS/fix/weapp-textarea by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: fix: ci by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: Merge branch 'next' into fix/weapp-textarea by Chen-jj :hammer_and_wrench: feat: 支持小程序独立分包 (#9416) by luckyadam


上周共有 3 名独立贡献者:

:bust_in_silhouette: zhiqingchen :bust_in_silhouette: Chen-jj :bust_in_silhouette: luckyadam



上周获得了 58 个 star。它们分别来自于:

:star: wplopxexjig | :star: taoaya | :star: 824063836 | :star: clarifysky | :star: PluLongzhu | :star: SanRam | :star: likailu | :star: Qlhouse | :star: toxmc | :star: ccym0769 | :star: nxjniexiao | :star: jayazhao | :star: yuanqingx | :star: dawnseeker8 | :star: nyakokishi | :star: crossskyLi | :star: defengchen | :star: Er1c0 | :star: Benjaminbai | :star: ganzizi | :star: aq76472220 | :star: shxf4a | :star: todoi | :star: washanhanzi | :star: Jimmysh | :star: cwxyz007 | :star: sdandroid | :star: DingLQ | :star: zhou9110 | :star: qqyy11 | :star: kerryjiang | :star: wangyuan123 | :star: 45224446 | :star: diandiandidi519 | :star: username1816175434 | :star: wandergis | :star: songxc | :star: Kevincc | :star: tingyuxuan2302 | :star: Aurorabili | :star: leiyunkang7 | :star: physicshi | :star: jayrao5566 | :star: samever7 | :star: lishuilong | :star: iiDestiny | :star: matuancc | :star: jackzhujie | :star: cenxun111 | :star: Sociosarbis | :star: hongxinhope | :star: quibbler01 | :star: andyclub | :star: xuehongjie | :star: yaojiach | :star: chengzixian | :star: em2046 | :star: devlovas | You all are the stars! :star2:

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taro-bot2[bot] commented 3 years ago

您的 Issue 没有按照规范从 [Taro Issue Helper]() 创建,因此会被直接关闭。

维护开源项目是一项非常辛苦的工作,还请多多包涵。 了解为什么这么严格?