NervanaSystems / neon

Intel® Nervana™ reference deep learning framework committed to best performance on all hardware
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ArrayIterator with multiple inputs of different shape #393

Open meysam-madadi opened 7 years ago

meysam-madadi commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have a network with multiple channels and thus multiple inputs. Shapes of inputs are different. I know that input data can be a list of numpy arrays, but lshape attribute must be a tuple. Is it possible to introduce different lshapes to ArrayIterator? What about HDF5Iterator? Is it possible multiple inputs with different shapes using HDF5Iterator? Thx a lot.

meysam-madadi commented 7 years ago


For anybody who has the same problem. I modified ArrayIterator init function as follows and it is able to receive a list of lshapes.

def __init__(self, X, y=None, nclass=None, lshape=None, make_onehot=True, name=None):
    During initialization, the input data will be converted to backend tensor objects
    (e.g. CPUTensor or GPUTensor). If the backend uses the GPU, the data is copied over to the

        X (ndarray, shape: [# examples, feature size]): Input features of the
        y (ndarray, shape:[# examples, 1 or feature size], optional): Labels corresponding to
            the input features. If absent, the input features themselves will be returned as
            target values (e.g. autoencoder)
        nclass (int, optional): The number of classes in labels. Not necessary if
            labels are not provided or where the labels are non-categorical.
        lshape (tuple, optional): Local shape for the input features
            (e.g. # channels, height, width)
        make_onehot (bool, optional): True if y is a categorical label that has to be converted
            to a one hot representation.

    # Treat singletons like list so that iteration follows same syntax
    super(ArrayIterator, self).__init__(name=name)
    X = X if isinstance(X, list) else [X]
    self.ndata = len(X[0])
    assert self.ndata >=
    self.start = 0
    self.nclass = nclass
    self.ybuf = None

    if make_onehot and nclass is None and y is not None:
        raise AttributeError('Must provide number of classes when creating onehot labels')

    # if labels provided, they must have same # examples as the features
    if y is not None:

        assert all([y.shape[0] == x.shape[0] for x in X]), \
            "Input features and labels must have equal number of examples."

        # for classifiction, the labels must be from 0 .. K-1, where K=nclass
        if make_onehot:
            assert y.max() <= nclass - 1 and y.min() >= 0, \
                "Labels must range from 0 to {} (nclass-1).".format(nclass - 1)

            assert (np.floor(y) == y).all(), \
                "Labels must only contain integers."

    # if local shape is provided, then the product of lshape should match the
    # number of features
    if lshape is not None:
        lshape = lshape if isinstance(lshape, list) else [lshape]
        assert len(lshape)==len(X)
        assert all([x.shape[1] == for (x,s) in zip(X,lshape)]), \
            "product of lshape {} does not match input feature size".format(lshape)

    # store shape of the input data
    self.shape = [x.shape[1] if lshape is None else s for s in lshape]
    if len(self.shape) == 1:
        self.shape = self.shape[0]
        self.lshape = lshape