NervzZ / Designing-learning-tools-project

How people learn: Designing Learning Tools II
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Meeting 17:30 #84

Closed NervzZ closed 6 months ago

Neroxsis commented 6 months ago

As I said, I won't be here Thursdays. Please check out #91 and the branch connected to it. There are now two levels (only visual with colliders). Please give feedback or if the style is more or less what you imagined.

simi48 commented 6 months ago
  1. Looked at @Neroxsis levels, I think they look good.
  2. Looked at the story, added some dialogue but it feels stale and artificial; my thoughts on the matter:
    • We need to make things less obvious, like include some of the following:
      • give real incentives to choose the wrong option
      • dont give a good option, so either way its wrong
      • Present a good option that then spirals out of control and it turns out it was bad
      • some other twist if any of you have a good idea
    • We so far dont really have a branch for "exploring" or being curious about the game
    • I feel like for the story some of us need to meet up in person like jehan proposed and figure it out on a real paper (or blackboard or whatever) where we can draw and work properly because the the drawio and word document are great to like write down what we want to do but are terrible to actually figure out how things should be intertwined ... Thoughts?
  3. Question, do we want dialogue for both protagonist and npc, or just the npc ?

    Next week, I will presumably not join the zoom, I have a midterm presentation on friday (for a project where Im not even close to anything presentable) ; so unlikely ill do anything before the weekend