Nessus85100 / Bello

A GUI for XBMC Media Center
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[REQUEST] Bello skin support for VideoExtras add on #23

Closed LolaBerwoots closed 10 years ago

LolaBerwoots commented 10 years ago

BACKGROUND: VideoExtras add-on provides a way to add video extras features to the users' Video library (movies and tv shows). Up to now there was no way in XBMC for the users to watch their extras features present in DVDs and Blu-Rays, such as interviews, documentaries, shorts, or simply any personal home made videos or anything the user wanted to add as an extra video to watch right from the movie/tv show's 'Information Pane'. More information in VideoExtras wiki

REQUEST: skin modification is required in order to see the extras in the UI. This is a fairly simple process but will depend on your selected skin. The file that needs modified is DialogVideoInfo.xml. This is the code needed for the default confluence skin.

Add to the top of the file (after ):

<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.videoextras)">XBMC.RunScript(script.videoextras,check,"$INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath]")</onload>

Add to near the foot of the file after the last control statement:

<control type="button" id="105">
    <visible>System.HasAddon(script.videoextras) + [Container.Content(movies) | Container.Content(episodes) | Container.Content(TVShows)] + IsEmpty(Window(movieinformation).Property("HideVideoExtrasButton"))</visible>

OPTIONAL SKIN FEATURE: If you wish to add an overlay or flag against TV Shows or Movies so that you can see if a given selection has any Extras without going into the Information Dialog, then a call can be made to:

<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.videoextras)">XBMC.RunScript(script.videoextras,hasExtras,flag,"$INFO[ListItem.FilenameAndPath]")</onload>

Note: This will result in the current window (or dialog) getting a property set on it with the name matching "flag" with the value set to "true" if there are extras for the given FilenameAndPath. (No flag will be set if there are no extras)

REQUEST TO SKINNERS VideoExtras uses a custom window/pane to show the extras in a beautiful pane showing resume and watched state flags plus a small icon image for each video extra; there is a written Window XML files for Confluence. With the large array of different skins available it is not possible to write versions for every skin. If you would be willing to add it, VideoExtras developer says he would really like to include a skin specific Window XML file for your skin and would be greatful for any contribution. The files are very small, so hopefully will not take long to convert for your skin.

It would be great if this could be added to the gorgeous Bello skin. Thanking you in advance! Lola Berwoots

Nessus85100 commented 10 years ago

I already answer to the forum about this and the answer is no. I never used them and i don't even have any material to test it. Sorry... !

Cheers Nessus

LolaBerwoots commented 10 years ago

Thank you Nessus for your reply and explanation (I just saw your reply in the forum too). I will answer on the forum so more people could benefit from the exchange. Thanks!