NestorTejero / ES2016A

VideoJoc Curs Enginyeria Software 2016 - grup A de pràctiques (dijous)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Logic for Columbus tower's appearance changing when damaged #251

Closed sdiaz7 closed 7 years ago

sdiaz7 commented 7 years ago

See issue #172 for implementation details.

Basically, the redefined HomeBehavior allows for N meshes to be assigned to the prefab through the Inspector (variable named threshold Meshes). The script then defines N damage thesholds, and changes home's mesh once a threshold is reached. I've decided to work with meshes rather than objects because it's much more simplier provided all the meshes are about the same size. Changing the mesh does not change the material. If that proves to be a problem, material can be changed just as easily as mesh.

Recommendations for testing:

kazusaki1 commented 7 years ago

Sin el -1 he comprobado que pasa por todos los mesh:


Así que con esa pequeña modificación por mi parte se puede integrar.

sdiaz7 commented 7 years ago

Si, yo también acabo de comprobarlo. Acabo de subir el fix. Gracias por avisar!

kazusaki1 commented 7 years ago

Por mi parte como dije todo perfect, hago merge

NestorTejero commented 7 years ago

@kazusaki1 veig que vas comentar:

Solo veo un pequeño fallo, modifica está linea:

I a continuació vas adjuntar una captura de pantalla.

Saps que es pot fer més fàcil, posant comentaris a les línes del codi directament? Vas al commit i allà escrius apretant el signe +. Acabo de fer la prova a