NestorTejero / ES2016A

VideoJoc Curs Enginyeria Software 2016 - grup A de pràctiques (dijous)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Integrating Tower Upgrades with new Tower Models #294

Closed sdiaz7 closed 7 years ago

sdiaz7 commented 7 years ago

Issue #240

Tower appearance changes when upgraded. The appearance is taken from GameObjects assigned to TowerBehavior. Prefabs for each level of upgrade have been defined. Following images show the upgrade levels, from left to right:

torre-piedra, renamed as Catapult Tower ingame image

torre-tanque image

torre-avion image

The logic allows the upgraded stats to be taken from the GameObject or from towers.xml. The later is the one that is being used currently. Hence, when balancing the game there's no need to change the stats on the upgrade prefabs as long as such stats get adjusted at the xml.

Nerucius commented 7 years ago

Tweaked Stone tower materials for more BLING-BLING
