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Glycan identification in "combined_modified_peptide.tsv" file #1224

Open mwfoster opened 10 months ago

mwfoster commented 10 months ago


We are performing glycopeptide identification and quantification across many samples. The data in the "assigned modifications" column of the "combined_modified_peptide.tsv" file gives only the mass of the glycan, not the ID. I gather from a previous post that the "psm.tsv" contains the information to connect the "assigned modification" to the "observed modification" that would be found in the glycan database. However, since the psm.tsv is specific to a sample, this could require performing this lookup on a large number of psm.tsv files. Is there an easier way to do this, or could you modify the "combined_modified_peptide.tsv" to include the best match to the glycan database?



dpolasky commented 10 months ago

Hi Matt,

There is not an easier way to do this at the moment, unfortunately. I think we could add the Observed Modifications column to the combined_modified_peptide.tsv @fcyu? Or we may need to discuss internally the best way to propagate the glycan information.

Best, Dan

fcyu commented 10 months ago

Yes, we can let IonQuant take that information and propagate to the combined table.



mwfoster commented 10 months ago

Thanks. That would be very helpful. Regards, Matt