I can't understanding why all the peptides are quantified to zero intensity when using labile-phosphor default workflow despite the flag ionquant.run-ionquant=true in the workflow file. (While when using LFQ-phospho I get a proper quantification )
Also is not totally clear to me the structure of the output and why I'm not getting anymore the combined_modified_peptide.tsv
If I well understood some of the informations that can be found in the combined_modified_peptide.tsv are present in the msstats.csv but still every PTMs has zero intensity.
Further it is not super clear to me what is the combined_protein.tsv output of labile phospho.
Also following the tutorial https://fragpipe.nesvilab.org/docs/tutorial_labile.html I noticed that I'm not getting any psm.tsv from the labile-phosphor workflow.
Can you please help me in understanding what I'm doing wrong?
I attached my log
Hi all,
I can't understanding why all the peptides are quantified to zero intensity when using labile-phosphor default workflow despite the flag ionquant.run-ionquant=true in the workflow file. (While when using LFQ-phospho I get a proper quantification )
Also is not totally clear to me the structure of the output and why I'm not getting anymore the combined_modified_peptide.tsv If I well understood some of the informations that can be found in the combined_modified_peptide.tsv are present in the msstats.csv but still every PTMs has zero intensity. Further it is not super clear to me what is the combined_protein.tsv output of labile phospho. Also following the tutorial https://fragpipe.nesvilab.org/docs/tutorial_labile.html I noticed that I'm not getting any psm.tsv from the labile-phosphor workflow.
Can you please help me in understanding what I'm doing wrong? I attached my log
Thank you in advance !