Specifically for Non-ion mobility data and open-search.
I have a question about the following lines:
# Move pepXML files to current directory.
mv $dataDirPath/*.pepXML ./
# Move MSFragger tsv files to current directory.
mv $dataDirPath/*.tsv ./ # Comment this line if localize_delta_mass = 0 in your fragger.params file.
# For open searches, run Crystal-C. Otherwise, don't run Crystal-C (comment this for-loop).
for myFile in ./*.pepXML
java -Xmx64G -cp $crystalcPath Main $crystalcParameterPath $myFile
Essentially, this code instructs for the moving of MSFragger outputs to the working directory, and running CrystalC on the output pepXML, which I have done.
But CrystalC creates a set of new pepXMLs in the same directory, each corresponding to one raw MSFeagger pepXML, and they are names *_c.pepXML.
But when continuing the pipeline, the instruction is to give Philosopher peptideprophet input as ./*.pepXML*
`$philosopherPath peptideprophet --nonparam --expectscore --decoyprobs --masswidth 1000.0 --clevel -2 --decoy $decoyPrefix --combine --database $fastaPath ./.pepXML # Open search
I'm confused at this step, does this mean I should input ALL pepXMLs** (those from MSFragger + those from CrystalC) to peptideprophet, or should this only be the *_c.pepXML outputted by CrystalC?
Thank you
If you're submitting a bug report, please attach log file
As I'm running the pipeline as is, peptideprophet took both sets of pepXML as input, and the pipeline died at the filter step.
Describe the bug I am following the instructions on "Running a FragPipe-equivalent workflow on Linux", here: https://msfragger.nesvilab.org/tutorial_linux.html
Specifically for Non-ion mobility data and open-search.
I have a question about the following lines:
Essentially, this code instructs for the moving of MSFragger outputs to the working directory, and running CrystalC on the output pepXML, which I have done. But CrystalC creates a set of new pepXMLs in the same directory, each corresponding to one raw MSFeagger pepXML, and they are names *_c.pepXML.
But when continuing the pipeline, the instruction is to give Philosopher peptideprophet input as ./*.pepXML* `$philosopherPath peptideprophet --nonparam --expectscore --decoyprobs --masswidth 1000.0 --clevel -2 --decoy $decoyPrefix --combine --database $fastaPath ./.pepXML # Open search ` I'm confused at this step, does this mean I should input ALL pepXMLs** (those from MSFragger + those from CrystalC) to peptideprophet, or should this only be the *_c.pepXML outputted by CrystalC?
Thank you
If you're submitting a bug report, please attach log file
As I'm running the pipeline as is, peptideprophet took both sets of pepXML as input, and the pipeline died at the filter step.