Nesvilab / philosopher

PeptideProphet, PTMProphet, ProteinProphet, iProphet, Abacus, and FDR filtering
GNU General Public License v3.0
109 stars 17 forks source link

Error with PTMProphet #209

Closed uonnet closed 3 years ago

uonnet commented 3 years ago

I am getting this error message when running the Philosopher pipeline on phosphoproteomics data time="15:39:33" level=fatal msg="Cannot execute program. There was an error with PTMProphet, please check your parameters and input files"

I checked the parameters and mzML files but everything looks fine. What might be causing this error? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

uonnet commented 3 years ago

The log is here:

time="15:10:57" level=info msg="Executing Workspace  v3.4.13"
time="15:10:58" level=info msg="Removing workspace"
time="15:10:58" level=info msg=Done
time="15:10:58" level=info msg="Executing Workspace  v3.4.13"
time="15:10:58" level=info msg="Creating workspace"
time="15:10:58" level=info msg=Done
time="15:10:58" level=info msg="Executing Database  v3.4.13"
time="15:10:58" level=info msg="Processing database"
time="15:11:11" level=info msg=Done
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Executing Workspace  v3.4.13"
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Removing workspace"
time="15:11:11" level=info msg=Done
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Executing Pipeline  v3.4.13"
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Creating workspace"
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Initiating the workspace on data"
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Creating workspace"
time="15:11:11" level=warning msg="A meta data folder was found and will not be overwritten. "
time="15:11:11" level=info msg="Processing database"
time="15:11:25" level=info msg="Running the Database Search on all data"
MSFragger version MSFragger-3.1.1
Batmass-IO version 1.19.5
timsdata library version timsdata-2-7-0
(c) University of Michigan
RawFileReader reading tool. Copyright (c) 2016 by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. All rights reserved.
System OS: Linux, Architecture: amd64
Java Info: 1.8.0_201, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Oracle Corporation
JVM started with 56 GB memory
Checking database...
Parameter 'diagnostic_intensity_filter' was not supplied. Using default value: 0.000000
Parameter 'ion_series_definitions' was not supplied. Using default value: 
Parameter 'Y_type_masses' was not supplied. Using default value: 
Parameter 'diagnostic_fragments' was not supplied. Using default value: 
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML...
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzML...
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzML...
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzML...
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzML...
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML...
Checking /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzML...
Checking if the data is low resolution MS/MS...
***********************************FIRST SEARCH************************************
num_threads = 20
database_name = /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/database/2021-02-26-decoys-human_uniprot_contam-trembl-plus-swissprot.fasta.fas
decoy_prefix = rev_
precursor_mass_lower = -20.0
precursor_mass_upper = 20.0
precursor_mass_units = 1
precursor_true_tolerance = 20.0
precursor_true_units = 1
fragment_mass_tolerance = 20.0
fragment_mass_units = 1
calibrate_mass = 2
write_calibrated_mgf = false
isotope_error = 0/1
mass_offsets = 0
labile_search_mode = OFF
restrict_deltamass_to = all
precursor_mass_mode = SELECTED
localize_delta_mass = false
delta_mass_exclude_ranges = (-1.5,3.5)
fragment_ion_series = b,y
ion_series_definitions = 
search_enzyme_name = Trypsin
search_enzyme_cutafter = KR
search_enzyme_butnotafter = P
num_enzyme_termini = 2
allowed_missed_cleavage = 2
clip_nTerm_M = false
allow_multiple_variable_mods_on_residue = false
max_variable_mods_per_peptide = 3
max_variable_mods_combinations = 5000
output_file_extension = pepXML
output_format = pepxml
output_report_topN = 1
output_max_expect = 50.0
report_alternative_proteins = false
override_charge = false
precursor_charge_low = 1
precursor_charge_high = 4
digest_min_length = 7
digest_max_length = 50
digest_mass_range_low = 500.0
digest_mass_range_high = 5000.0
max_fragment_charge = 2
deisotope = 1
track_zero_topN = 0
zero_bin_accept_expect = 0.0
zero_bin_mult_expect = 1.0
add_topN_complementary = 0
minimum_peaks = 15
use_topN_peaks = 150
minIonsScoring = 2
min_matched_fragments = 4
minimum_ratio = 0.01
intensity_transform = 0
remove_precursor_peak = 0
remove_precursor_range = -1.5,1.5
clear_mz_range_low = 0.0
clear_mz_range_high = 0.0
excluded_scan_list_file = 
mass_diff_to_variable_mod = 0
variable_mod_01 = 15.994915 M 3
variable_mod_02 = 42.010565 [^ 1
variable_mod_03 = 79.966331 STY 2
variable_mod_06 = 229.162932 n^ 1
add_A_alanine = 0.000000
add_B_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
add_C_cysteine = 57.021464
add_Cterm_peptide = 0.0
add_Cterm_protein = 0.0
add_D_aspartic_acid = 0.000000
add_E_glutamic_acid = 0.000000
add_F_phenylalanine = 0.000000
add_G_glycine = 0.000000
add_H_histidine = 0.000000
add_I_isoleucine = 0.000000
add_J_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
add_K_lysine = 229.162932
add_L_leucine = 0.000000
add_M_methionine = 0.000000
add_N_asparagine = 0.000000
add_Nterm_peptide = 0.0
add_Nterm_protein = 0.0
add_O_user_amino_acid = 0.000000  # O = pyrrolysine (255.15829 Da)
add_P_proline = 0.000000
add_Q_glutamine = 0.000000
add_R_arginine = 0.000000
add_S_serine = 0.000000
add_T_threonine = 0.000000
add_U_user_amino_acid = 0.000000  # U = selenocysteine (150.95363 Da)
add_V_valine = 0.000000
add_W_tryptophan = 0.000000
add_X_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
add_Y_tyrosine = 0.000000
add_Z_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
Selected fragment index width 0.10 Da.
9074814484 fragments to be searched in 4 slices (135.23 GB total)
Operating on slice 1 of 4: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 20.92 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML 1.5 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 34629/34629 (100%) - 17289 spectra/s] 2.0s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzML 2.0 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 50098/50098 (100%) - 33376 spectra/s] 1.5s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzML 1.9 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 51763/51763 (100%) - 34463 spectra/s] 1.5s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzML 1.6 s | deisotoping 0.3 s
        [progress: 41848/41848 (100%) - 43501 spectra/s] 1.0s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzML 1.5 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 36562/36562 (100%) - 52231 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 66801 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzML 0.7 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 17465/17465 (100%) - 24914 spectra/s] 0.7s
Operating on slice 2 of 4: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 19.75 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML 1.4 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 34629/34629 (100%) - 47963 spectra/s] 0.7s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzML 2.0 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 50098/50098 (100%) - 99996 spectra/s] 0.5s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzML 2.0 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 51763/51763 (100%) - 69950 spectra/s] 0.7s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzML 1.6 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 41848/41848 (100%) - 139030 spectra/s] 0.3s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzML 1.5 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 36562/36562 (100%) - 121873 spectra/s] 0.3s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.2 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 134270 spectra/s] 0.1s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzML 0.8 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 17465/17465 (100%) - 58023 spectra/s] 0.3s
Operating on slice 3 of 4: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 16.56 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML 1.4 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 34629/34629 (100%) - 69258 spectra/s] 0.5s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzML 1.9 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 50098/50098 (100%) - 124933 spectra/s] 0.4s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzML 2.0 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 51763/51763 (100%) - 129085 spectra/s] 0.4s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzML 1.6 s | deisotoping 0.2 s
        [progress: 41848/41848 (100%) - 139030 spectra/s] 0.3s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzML 1.5 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 36562/36562 (100%) - 121873 spectra/s] 0.3s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 132941 spectra/s] 0.1s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzML 0.7 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 17465/17465 (100%) - 58217 spectra/s] 0.3s
Operating on slice 4 of 4: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 17.71 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML 1.4 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 34629/34629 (100%) - 57619 spectra/s] 0.6s | postprocessing 0.4 s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzML 1.9 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 50098/50098 (100%) - 125245 spectra/s] 0.4s | postprocessing 0.3 s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzML 1.9 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 51763/51763 (100%) - 76686 spectra/s] 0.7s | postprocessing 0.2 s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzML 1.8 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 41848/41848 (100%) - 104359 spectra/s] 0.4s | postprocessing 0.2 s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzML 1.7 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 36562/36562 (100%) - 121468 spectra/s] 0.3s | postprocessing 0.2 s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.1 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 53282 spectra/s] 0.3s | postprocessing 0.1 s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzML 0.7 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 17465/17465 (100%) - 58217 spectra/s] 0.3s | postprocessing 0.3 s
***************************FIRST SEARCH DONE IN 5.198 MIN**************************

*********************MASS CALIBRATION AND PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION*******************
     |  MS1   (Old)  |  MS1   (New)  |  MS2   (Old)  |  MS2   (New)  
 Run |  Median  MAD  |  Median  MAD  |  Median  MAD  |  Median  MAD  
 001 |  -1.24   0.72 |  -0.02   0.42 |  -0.28   1.05 |   0.00   0.95  
 002 |  -0.11   0.70 |   0.04   0.41 |   0.53   1.11 |  -0.02   1.02  
 003 |  -0.31   0.66 |   0.04   0.41 |   0.35   1.14 |  -0.02   1.02  
 004 |  -0.47   0.60 |   0.04   0.40 |   0.07   1.12 |  -0.02   1.03  
 005 |  -0.20   0.60 |  -0.03   0.36 |   0.37   1.09 |  -0.03   1.00  
 006 | Not enough data to perform mass calibration. Using the uncalibrated data.
 007 |  -0.89   0.71 |  -0.03   0.42 |   0.15   1.04 |  -0.06   0.96  
Finding the optimal parameters:
  MS2  |    7  |   10  |   15  |   20  |   25  |   30  
 Count |  17454|  17447| skip rest
 Peaks | 300_0 | 200_0 | 150_1 | 100_1 
 Count |  17410|  17410|  17454|  17532
 Int.  |    1  
 Count |  17451
 Rm P. |    1  
 Count |  17537
New fragment_mass_tolerance = 7 PPM
New use_topN_peaks = 100
New minimum_ratio = 0.010000
New intensity_transform = 0
New remove_precursor_peak = 1

************************************MAIN SEARCH************************************
Checking database...
Parameter 'labile_search_mode' was not supplied. Using default value: OFF
Parameter 'diagnostic_intensity_filter' was not supplied. Using default value: 0.000000
Parameter 'ion_series_definitions' was not supplied. Using default value: 
Parameter 'Y_type_masses' was not supplied. Using default value: 
Parameter 'diagnostic_fragments' was not supplied. Using default value: 
num_threads = 20
database_name = /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/database/2021-02-26-decoys-human_uniprot_contam-trembl-plus-swissprot.fasta.fas
decoy_prefix = rev_
precursor_mass_lower = -50.0
precursor_mass_upper = 50.0
precursor_mass_units = 1
precursor_true_tolerance = 20.0
precursor_true_units = 1
fragment_mass_tolerance = 7.0
fragment_mass_units = 1
calibrate_mass = 2
write_calibrated_mgf = false
isotope_error = 0/1/2
mass_offsets = 0
labile_search_mode = OFF
restrict_deltamass_to = all
precursor_mass_mode = SELECTED
localize_delta_mass = false
delta_mass_exclude_ranges = (-1.5,3.5)
fragment_ion_series = b,y
ion_series_definitions = 
search_enzyme_name = Trypsin
search_enzyme_cutafter = KR
search_enzyme_butnotafter = P
num_enzyme_termini = 2
allowed_missed_cleavage = 2
clip_nTerm_M = false
allow_multiple_variable_mods_on_residue = false
max_variable_mods_per_peptide = 5
max_variable_mods_combinations = 5000
output_file_extension = pepXML
output_format = pepxml
output_report_topN = 1
output_max_expect = 50.0
report_alternative_proteins = false
override_charge = false
precursor_charge_low = 1
precursor_charge_high = 4
digest_min_length = 7
digest_max_length = 50
digest_mass_range_low = 500.0
digest_mass_range_high = 5000.0
max_fragment_charge = 2
deisotope = 1
track_zero_topN = 0
zero_bin_accept_expect = 0.0
zero_bin_mult_expect = 1.0
add_topN_complementary = 0
minimum_peaks = 15
use_topN_peaks = 100
minIonsScoring = 2
min_matched_fragments = 4
minimum_ratio = 0.01
intensity_transform = 0
remove_precursor_peak = 1
remove_precursor_range = -1.5,1.5
clear_mz_range_low = 0.0
clear_mz_range_high = 0.0
excluded_scan_list_file = 
mass_diff_to_variable_mod = 0
variable_mod_01 = 15.994915 M 3
variable_mod_02 = 42.010565 [^ 1
variable_mod_03 = 79.966331 STY 3
variable_mod_06 = 229.162932 n^ 1
add_A_alanine = 0.000000
add_B_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
add_C_cysteine = 57.021464
add_Cterm_peptide = 0.0
add_Cterm_protein = 0.0
add_D_aspartic_acid = 0.000000
add_E_glutamic_acid = 0.000000
add_F_phenylalanine = 0.000000
add_G_glycine = 0.000000
add_H_histidine = 0.000000
add_I_isoleucine = 0.000000
add_J_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
add_K_lysine = 229.162932
add_L_leucine = 0.000000
add_M_methionine = 0.000000
add_N_asparagine = 0.000000
add_Nterm_peptide = 0.0
add_Nterm_protein = 0.0
add_O_user_amino_acid = 0.000000  # O = pyrrolysine (255.15829 Da)
add_P_proline = 0.000000
add_Q_glutamine = 0.000000
add_R_arginine = 0.000000
add_S_serine = 0.000000
add_T_threonine = 0.000000
add_U_user_amino_acid = 0.000000  # U = selenocysteine (150.95363 Da)
add_V_valine = 0.000000
add_W_tryptophan = 0.000000
add_X_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
add_Y_tyrosine = 0.000000
add_Z_user_amino_acid = 0.000000
Selected fragment index width 0.03 Da.
26552904236 fragments to be searched in 10 slices (395.67 GB total)
Operating on slice 1 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 27.49 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 8538 spectra/s] 4.1s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 14288 spectra/s] 3.5s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 12650 spectra/s] 4.1s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 21998 spectra/s] 1.9s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 26067 spectra/s] 1.4s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.1 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 44608 spectra/s] 0.3s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 9689 spectra/s] 1.8s
Operating on slice 2 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 22.86 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 26610 spectra/s] 1.3s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 38355 spectra/s] 1.3s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 36912 spectra/s] 1.4s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 50108 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52134 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 24907 spectra/s] 0.7s
Operating on slice 3 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 20.82 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 38424 spectra/s] 0.9s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 44408 spectra/s] 1.1s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 39747 spectra/s] 1.3s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 43493 spectra/s] 1.0s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52134 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 29100 spectra/s] 0.6s
Operating on slice 4 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 21.66 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 38424 spectra/s] 0.9s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 50042 spectra/s] 1.0s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 47004 spectra/s] 1.1s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 52235 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52060 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 52245 spectra/s] 0.3s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.0 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 24943 spectra/s] 0.7s
Operating on slice 5 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 19.98 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 41964 spectra/s] 0.8s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 50042 spectra/s] 1.0s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 47004 spectra/s] 1.1s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 52235 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52134 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 34920 spectra/s] 0.5s
Operating on slice 6 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 21.10 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 34551 spectra/s] 1.0s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 45456 spectra/s] 1.1s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 51648 spectra/s] 1.0s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 50715 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52134 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 34850 spectra/s] 0.5s
Operating on slice 7 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 19.35 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 43221 spectra/s] 0.8s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.2 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 45497 spectra/s] 1.1s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 46961 spectra/s] 1.1s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 52235 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52134 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.1 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 29052 spectra/s] 0.6s
Operating on slice 8 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 20.57 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 49387 spectra/s] 0.7s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 45497 spectra/s] 1.1s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.2 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 51699 spectra/s] 1.0s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 50715 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52134 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 24907 spectra/s] 0.7s
Operating on slice 9 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 19.58 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 43221 spectra/s] 0.8s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.2 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 45497 spectra/s] 1.1s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 46961 spectra/s] 1.1s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 52235 spectra/s] 0.8s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 52209 spectra/s] 0.7s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.1 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.0 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 29052 spectra/s] 0.6s
Operating on slice 10 of 10: 
    Fragment index slice generated in 21.41 s
    001. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.2 s
        [progress: 34620/34620 (100%) - 34551 spectra/s] 1.0s | postprocessing 4.0 s
    002. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 50092/50092 (100%) - 38503 spectra/s] 1.3s | postprocessing 3.4 s
    003. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 51751/51751 (100%) - 31157 spectra/s] 1.7s | postprocessing 4.3 s
    004. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 41840/41840 (100%) - 34838 spectra/s] 1.2s | postprocessing 3.8 s
    005. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.mzBIN_calibrated 0.1 s
        [progress: 36546/36546 (100%) - 36509 spectra/s] 1.0s | postprocessing 1.9 s
    006. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.mzML 1.0 s | deisotoping 0.0 s
        [progress: 13427/13427 (100%) - 67135 spectra/s] 0.2s | postprocessing 1.2 s
    007. SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.mzBIN_calibrated 0.0 s
        [progress: 17460/17460 (100%) - 34920 spectra/s] 0.5s | postprocessing 1.6 s
***************************MAIN SEARCH DONE IN 6.083 MIN***************************

*******************************TOTAL TIME 24.051 MIN********************************
time="15:35:39" level=info msg="Running the validation and inference on data"
time="15:35:39" level=info msg="Executing PeptideProphet on data"
 file 1: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.pepXML
 file 2: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F2_Fr7.pepXML
 file 3: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F3_Fr6.pepXML
 file 4: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_F4_Fr5.pepXML
 file 5: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_Fr8.pepXML
 file 6: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phospho_pooledFrac_Tio2_FT_extra.pepXML
 file 7: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_7Apr_Phospho_Tio2_FT_Fr1_extra.pepXML
 processed altogether 102170 results
INFO: Results written to file: /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/interact.pep.xml

  - /home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/interact.pep.xml
  - Building Commentz-Walter keyword tree...
  - Searching the tree...
  - Linking duplicate entries...
  - Printing results...

using Accurate Mass Bins
using PPM mass difference
Using Decoy Label "rev_".
Decoy Probabilities will be reported.
Using non-parametric distributions
 (X! Tandem) (using Tandem's expectation score for modeling)
adding ACCMASS mixture distribution
using search_offsets in ACCMASS mixture distr: 0
init with X! Tandem trypsin 
MS Instrument info: Manufacturer: UNKNOWN, Model: UNKNOWN, Ionization: UNKNOWN, Analyzer: UNKNOWN, Detector: UNKNOWN

INFO: Processing standard MixtureModel ...
  PeptideProphet  (TPP v5.2.1-dev Flammagenitus, Build 201906251008-exported (Linux-x86_64)) AKeller@ISB
  read in 0 1+, 41674 2+, 49940 3+, 8763 4+, 1358 5+, 410 6+, and 25 7+ spectra.
Initialising statistical models ...
Found 23063 Decoys, and 79107 Non-Decoys
Iterations: .........10.........20......
WARNING: Mixture model quality test failed for charge (1+).
model complete after 27 iterations
time="15:39:29" level=info msg="Running the validation and inference on data"
time="15:39:29" level=info msg="Executing PTMProphet on data"
INFO: Applying PSM specific mass offset and tolerance ...
time="15:39:29" level=info msg="Executing PTMProphet on data"
INFO: Writing file interact.pep.xml.tmp.9izEAE ...

Creating 20 threads 
Wait for threads to finish ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
Unknown file type. No file loaded./home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
INFO: Reading file interact.pep.xml ...
time="15:39:33" level=fatal msg="Cannot execute program. There was an error with PTMProphet, please check your parameters and input files"
prvst commented 3 years ago

It looks like you have an issue with the file home/Projects/LeungSY_LBQ_CPOS-200716-DMS-3509.Pilot/MSFragger.results/Phospho/data/SY_Batch1_4P_GC_TMT11plex_MS2_18Apr_Phoshpo_Tio2_Fr3_extra.mzML. Could you please double-check if the file is there, and if it is OK?

uonnet commented 3 years ago


The file is there. It looks fine, not different from other mzML files, unless I overlooked something...

Here is the file:

Thanks again!

uonnet commented 3 years ago

Hi again,

Just wish to update. I switched to running the analysis on FragPipe v15.0, with the newest version of MSFragger (v3.2). I tried a few times, with identical parameters, and they all failed. Strangely, a different mzML file was flagged by PTMProphet as having an issue (there are 7 mzML files in this dataset). I don't think it sounds right that with each run a different file was detected as having problems.

prvst commented 3 years ago

This could be a sign that you might have an issue with the mzML file. Could you try converting your files again using the latest msconvert?

uonnet commented 3 years ago

I will try that and reopen if there is any more issue. Thanks so much!