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Make capacity more specific #2462

Closed pixelchrome closed 3 months ago

pixelchrome commented 8 months ago

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Workload Security Agent Requirements


The required diskspace is defined here differently and should be more specific.

In the first table:

Available disk space: Disk space should be allocated in this manner: /opt/netapp 35 GB (minimum)

The second table describes also free space for a dedicated log partition

Available disk space: 50-55 GB For Linux, disk space should be allocated in this manner: /opt/netapp 25-30 GB /var/log/netapp 25 GB

The difference for /opt/netapp is between 35 GB and 25-30GB.

The second problem is, that Linux admins might define the size of the partition exactly like described in the tables. The checks for 35G ( check_disk_space ${OPT_NETAPP_DIR} 35 ) free space in the filesystem. Due to the overhead (filesystem vs partition), the partition might not be large enough. And the install script exits with an error.

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netapp-alavoie commented 8 months ago

Hi Harald! Thanks for this feedback. Let me clear up the discrepancy in the docs so that both tables are at least in sync.

Regarding the 35GB size, would you say 35GB is RARELY big enough, or USUALLY big enough? I'm just thinking about whether to add a note something to the effect of "35GB should be enough in most cases, but if you have a large environment* you may need more space." Or raise the /opt/Netapp minimum altogether.

*Or whatever the contributing factors are.

-Tony Cloud Insights Information Engineering

pixelchrome commented 7 months ago

Hi Tony,

the size of 35GB is usually big enough. What I discover some times is that VMware Admins create a Linux VM with a Partition-/ or Disk size of exactly 35GB. If you then add a filesystem (via mkfs) on top of that, you have slightly less capacity available. And then the install script fails.

I would recommend to ask for at least 36 GB ;-) You can also write '35GB free space in the filesystem' but I expect not everyone reads the documentation in that detail.

Best regards,


netapp-alavoie commented 3 months ago

I'm changing the line to: /opt/netapp 36 GB (minimum 35 GB free space after filesystem creation)

netapp-alavoie commented 3 months ago

This change will be published in the next documentation update.