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Change compression type from adaptive to secondary does not seem to work #1363

Open tomdewit opened 1 month ago

tomdewit commented 1 month ago

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Move between secondary compression and adaptive compression


I tried this procedure to change a volume from adaptive to secondary compression type.

clus-ma::*> volume efficiency config -vserver SVM01 -volume vol01
Vserver:                                      SVM01
Volume:                                       vol01
Schedule:                                     -
Policy:                                       clus_ma_1am_ep
Compression:                                  false
Inline Compression:                           false
Compression Type:                             adaptive
Application IO Size:                          auto
Compression Algorithm:                        lzopro
Inline Dedupe:                                false
Data Compaction:                              false
Cross Volume Inline Deduplication:            false
Cross Volume Background Deduplication:        false
clus-ma::*> vol efficiency undo -vserver mir-ha-n1-chknasp01 -volume checkpointLog
Error: command failed: Failed to undo efficiency on volume "vol01" of Vserver "SVM01": Operation is not disabled.

--> This following step to disable efficiency first seems to be missing from the procedure

clus-ma::*> vol efficiency off -vserver SVM01 -volume vol01
Efficiency for volume "vol01" of Vserver "SVM01" is disabled.

clus-ma::*> vol efficiency undo -vserver SVM01 -volume vol01
Sufficient free space (estimated 104KB) on volume vol01 of Vserver SVM01 is available for the "efficiency undo" operation.
Warning: Adding more data while the "efficiency undo" operation is in progress will cause the undo to fail if there is insufficient free space to complete the operation.
The efficiency undo operation for volume "vol01" of Vserver "SVM01" has started.

I then wait for the efficiency undo to complete and then proceed with this command:

clus-ma::*> vol efficiency modify -vserver SVM01 -volume vol01 -compression true -compression-type secondary
Error: command failed: Failed to modify efficiency configuration for volume "vol01" of Vserver "SVM01": Specifying "compression-type", "application-io-size" or "compression-algorithm" parameters are not allowed, only "compression" and "inline-compression" parameters are allowed.

I also tried to re-enable volume efficiency first, but then got the same error as in the beginning

clus-ma::*> vol efficiency on -vserver SVM01 -volume vol01
Efficiency for volume "vol01" of Vserver "SVM01" is enabled.

clus-ma::*> vol efficiency modify -vserver SVM01 -volume vol01 -compression-type secondary -compression true

Error: command failed: Failed to modify efficiency configuration for volume "vol01" of Vserver "SVM01": Failed to set compression type and application I/O size on the volume. Switching between compression type or application I/O size is allowed only after undoing thecompression savings on the volume.

So we seem to be unable to go from adaptive to secondary compression type. Any ideas ? ONTAP version is 9.12.1P8

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