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Clarify namespace limitations #1388

Open darkstar opened 1 week ago

darkstar commented 1 week ago

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NVMe configuration, support, and limitations


I think this part could use some additional clarifications:

When working with NVMe namespaces, you should be aware of the following:

  • If you lose data in a LUN, it cannot be restored from a namespace, or vice versa.

What type of "restore" does this refer to? I think it refers to SnapRestore (single-file? volume?) and that LUNs and namespaces are different things that cannot be "single-file snap-restored" to each other. But as it is written it sounds a bit ambiguous (e.g. you can always do a client-side restore of the data in a LUN, but not the LUN itself). Maybe rewrite it something like this: "You cannot use SnapRestore to restore a namespace from a LUN or vice-versa"

You cannot create a namespace on a volume transition from Data ONTAP operating in 7-mode.

Grammar error. Should be: "...on a volume transitioned from..."

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