It would be great to truncate the hostname from the FQDN to use it dynamically as kerberos realm.
You could implement a "winrm-is-domain-member" boolean to enable or disable this functionality.
winrm-is-domain-member - (for example,. as in Option to truncate hostname when used as domain for kerberos login. If set to "true", replaces "host.domain.tld" with "domain.tld" appending to username.
Thanks for the feedback. We aren't using this with kerberos at the moment, so this isn't something that would be implemented any time soon. Merge requests are welcome.
It would be great to truncate the hostname from the FQDN to use it dynamically as kerberos realm.
You could implement a "winrm-is-domain-member" boolean to enable or disable this functionality.