NetLogo / NW-Extension

This is the NetLogo Network Extension. For general information about NetLogo, see:
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GraphML import/export bug/issue #185

Open wvermeer opened 6 years ago

wvermeer commented 6 years ago

In exporting / exporting using the GraphML file format I found an issue. While exporting from Netlogo worked fine, Gephi is able to correctly opens the outputted files, getting those files imported into R however failed.

Error in .Call("R_igraph_read_graph_graphml", file, as.numeric(index), : At foreign-graphml.c:1350 : Graph index was too large, Invalid value<

Doing some searching I found this to be a GraphML namespace issue see ( Testing the fix suggested in this link, the issue seems to be an incorrect link to the namesapce. GraphML namespace is (according to the post) and not This indeed fixed he issue for me.

qiemem commented 6 years ago

It looks like this is a problem with the underlying library we're using for graphml export, Jung. Even the latest version of Jung has this bug:

So, not much we can do about this without either writing our own exporter or forking Jung.