NetLogo / models

NetLogo Models Library
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Many models have identical first paragraph in WHAT IT IS section #41

Closed arthurhjorth closed 9 years ago

arthurhjorth commented 9 years ago

reported by @SethTisue

It means that the text that shows up in the library is the same, which isn't particularly useful for browsing the library.

nicolaspayette commented 9 years ago

Newly added test reveals that the problem is far from limited to IABM models:

[info] - First paragraph of WHAT IS IT should be unique *** FAILED ***
[info]   This simple model communicates with the sensors and output ports of a GoGo Board, an open source, easy-to-build, low cost, general purpose circuit board designed for educational projects.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Code Examples/GoGoMonitorSimple.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Code Examples/GoGoMonitorSimpleSerial.nlogo"
[info]   This model simulates transient and steady-state temperature distribution of a thin plate.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Alternative Visualizations/Heat Diffusion - Alternative Visualization.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/Heat/Unverified/Heat Diffusion.nlogo"
[info]   This model, due to Robert Axelrod and Ross A. Hammond, suggests that "ethnocentric" behavior can evolve under a wide variety of conditions, even when there are no native "ethnocentrics" and no way to differentiate between agent types.  Agents compete for limited space via Prisoner Dilemma's type interactions. "Ethnocentric" agents treat agents within their group more beneficially than those outside their group.  The model includes a mechanism for inheritance (genetic or cultural) of strategies.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Alternative Visualizations/Ethnocentrism - Alternative Visualization.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Social Science/Ethnocentrism.nlogo"
[info]   This model was built to test and demonstrate the functionality of the GIS NetLogo extension.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Code Examples/GIS/GIS General Examples.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Code Examples/GIS/GIS Gradient Example.nlogo"
[info]   This model is a simple cellular automaton that simulates voting distribution by having each patch take a "vote" of its eight surrounding neighbors, then perhaps change its own vote according to the outcome.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 7/Voting Component Verification.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 7/Voting Sensitivity Analysis.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Social Science/Voting.nlogo"
[info]   This model simulates the transmission and perpetuation of a virus in a human population.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Alternative Visualizations/Virus - Alternative Visualization.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Alternative Visualizations/Virus - Circle Visualization.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Biology/Virus.nlogo"
[info]   Like the main DLA model, this model demonstrates diffusion-limited aggregation, in which particles moving (diffusing) in random trajectories stick together (aggregate) to form beautiful treelike branching fractal structures. There are many patterns found in nature that resemble the patterns produced by this model: crystals, coral, fungi, lightning, and so on.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/DLA Extensions/DLA Simple Extension 1.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/DLA Extensions/DLA Simple Extension 2.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/DLA Extensions/DLA Simple Extension 3.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/DLA Extensions/DLA Simple.nlogo"
[info]   This model is an example of random selection.  It shows that patches that randomly exchange colors converge on a single color. The idea, explained in more detail in Dennett's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea", is that trait drifts can occur without any particular purpose or 'selecting pressure'.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Biology/Evolution/Genetic Drift/GenDrift P global.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Biology/Evolution/Genetic Drift/GenDrift P local.nlogo"
[info]   The Bak–Tang–Wiesenfeld sandpile model demonstrates the concept of "self-organized criticality". It further demonstrates that complexity can emerge from simple rules and that a system can arrive at a critical state spontaneously rather than through the fine tuning of precise parameters.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 8/Sandpile Simple.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/Sandpile.nlogo"
[info]   This model models the movement of cars on a highway. Each car follows a simple set of rules: it slows down (decelerates) if it sees a car close ahead, and speeds up (accelerates) if it doesn't see a car ahead.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 5/Traffic Basic Adaptive.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 5/Traffic Basic Utility.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Social Science/Traffic Basic.nlogo"
[info]   This project simulates the spread of a fire through a forest.  It shows that the fire's chance of reaching the right edge of the forest depends critically on the density of trees. This is an example of a common feature of complex systems, the presence of a non-linear threshold or critical parameter.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/Fire Extensions/Fire Simple Extension 1.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/Fire Extensions/Fire Simple Extension 2.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/Fire Extensions/Fire Simple Extension 3.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Earth Science/Fire.nlogo"
[info]   This model communicates with the sensors and output ports of a [GoGo Board](, an open source, easy-to-build, low cost, general purpose circuit board designed for educational projects.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Code Examples/GoGoMonitor.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Code Examples/GoGoMonitorSerial.nlogo"
[info]   This model is one in a series of GasLab models. They use the same basic rules for simulating the behavior of gases.  Each model integrates different features in order to highlight different aspects of gas behavior.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Adiabatic Piston.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Atmosphere.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Circular Particles.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Free Gas.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Gas in a Box.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Gravity Box.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Isothermal Piston.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Maxwells Demon.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/GasLab Two Gas.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/Unverified/GasLab Heat Box.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/Unverified/GasLab Pressure Box.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/GasLab/Unverified/GasLab Second Law.nlogo"
[info]   Students control traffic lights in a real-time traffic simulation.  The teacher controls overall variables, such as the speed limit and the number of cars.  This allows students to explore traffic dynamics, which can lead into many areas of study, from calculus to social studies.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/HubNet Activities/Gridlock HubNet.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/HubNet Activities/Unverified/Gridlock Alternate HubNet.nlogo"
[info]   El Farol is a bar in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The bar is popular --- especially on Thursday nights when they offer Irish music --- but sometimes becomes overcrowded and unpleasant. In fact, if the patrons of the bar think it will be overcrowded they stay home; otherwise they go enjoy themselves at El Farol.  This model explores what happens to the overall attendance at the bar on these popular Thursday evenings, as the patrons use different strategies for determining how crowded they think the bar will be.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/El Farol Extensions/El Farol Extension 1.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/El Farol Extensions/El Farol Extension 2.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/El Farol Extensions/El Farol Extension 3.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/El Farol Extensions/El Farol.nlogo"
[info]   This project models the behavior of two types of turtles in a mythical pond. The red turtles and green turtles get along with one another. But each turtle wants to make sure that it lives near some of "its own." That is, each red turtle wants to live near at least some red turtles, and each green turtle wants to live near at least some green turtles. The simulation shows how these individual preferences ripple through the pond, leading to large-scale patterns.
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/Curricular Models/BEAGLE Evolution/HubNet Activities/Critter Designers HubNet.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/Segregation Extensions/Segregation Simple Extension 3.nlogo"
[info]     "/home/travis/build/NetLogo/models/IABM Textbook/chapter 3/Segregation Extensions/Segregation Simple.nlogo"
[info]     -- (TestModels.scala:16)

In most cases, it's probably just a matter of adding a quick sentence to describe how a particular version of the model differs from other similar models.

Other cases, (e.g., Critter Designers HubNet having text from Segregation?!?) will require a bit more investigation.

nicolaspayette commented 9 years ago

Turning this into a TODO list: