I need to create a COM Addin for Outlook and I am using the example: IExtensibility COMAddin Examples (ClassicUI)
but I can't get Outlook to load the DLL.
I am using Visual Studio 2015 with C#.
The project compiles successfully and the following files are created:
Register the DLL with the command:
But when I start Outlook the DLL does not load because of a runtime error:
I would be grateful if you could help me to solve this problem.
I need to create a COM Addin for Outlook and I am using the example: IExtensibility COMAddin Examples (ClassicUI) but I can't get Outlook to load the DLL.
I am using Visual Studio 2015 with C#.
The project compiles successfully and the following files are created:
Register the DLL with the command:
But when I start Outlook the DLL does not load because of a runtime error:
I would be grateful if you could help me to solve this problem.