NetZissou / WI_Research

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Weekly Check-in #2

Open NetZissou opened 3 years ago

NetZissou commented 3 years ago


Thoughts & Plans Before Meeting

Work Summarize

Plans, Goals, Interests

Some key parts that I want to achieve in the next project:

plot <- tibble( title = character(), plt_obj = list(ggplot()), date = date(), comment = tibble( date = date(), content = character(), publisher = character() ) ) str(plot) tibble [0 x 4] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) $ title : chr(0) $ plt_obj: list() $ date : chr(0) $ comment: tibble [0 x 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) ..$ date : chr(0) ..$ content : chr(0) ..$ publisher: chr(0)

What to do:
* Find a problem, a dataset, or some datasets
* It will be helpful for Wil to assign me more tasks to begin with. It's not that I am not confident. I don't think I am there yet to start development on my own. So task assignments would be a great place to start.

# Meeting Follow-ups

## Goal of analytics development
Make our development as simple as possible. Be sure of the core functionality of our work and try not to reproduce work that has already been done nicely elsewhere. 
Feedback on the comment section idea: Wil and I both agree this would be a good idea. But the team has been trying many ways to help more people engage in conversation regarding analytics topics, but the progress is not significant so far. Why is this happening?
* Many people in the organization have more than ten years of experience in this business, so they would rather start a phone call to people with interests than reply to the conversation threads. 
* Our tools might not be closer enough to where the decision is made. Wil mentioned that the buyers or sales would usually make their final decisions with Oracle opened, which explained why we want to make our tools light-weighted and provide more APIs to be applied elsewhere. 

To conclude this part of the discussion, maybe our tools could be more "competitive" and more integral to our user's work routine. Not a NONO to the comment section and bring in more conversations to the visualizations, but the feedback and documentation culture still need to be carefully cultivated. It is still valuable for us to collect feedback and insights from our users. They do not have to be plenty. Most of the time, one or two sentences about the visualization from our expertise would be crucial to making decisions. 

## A forecasting tools

The team has been getting many forecasting requests, according to Wil. We want to build a simple tool for users to upload their data and perform time-series analysis. 

Potential functionalities include:
* Seasonality detection
* Trend detection
* Data missing information
* Predictions

Something to keep in mind:
* Do not expect your users to acquire data literacy or capability to extract what they need from stats plots.
* Provide them with next-step guidelines based on their data and what we generated.
* Plots might not be more useful or persuasive than convincing narratives. 
* Automation, don't repeat yourself. Use **Shiny Modules** to pile up applications. 
* Go further, don't just provide them with what they asked. For example, a user asked for a prediction. We provide them with predictions, expect, and prepare to cover most of the scenarios based on prediction intervals. 

## Research on the Bid-response Model for customized pricing
* The [Bid-response model]( was introduced in 2007 by Agrawal and Ferguson in Georgia Insitute of Technology. 
* A [Bayesian model ]( was carried by them in 2006.