Netatalk is a Free and Open Source AFP fileserver. A *NIX or BSD system running Netatalk is capable of serving many Macintosh clients simultaneously as an AppleShare file server.
This installs the spectest, tier 2 spectest, speedtest, and lantest binaries. The binaries have been renamed with an afp_ prefix to distinguish them from other similarly named binaries on a system.
The other test binaries are still buggy, so keeping them off the install manifest for now.
Note that the binaries are only built when with-testsuite=true is enabled, so this won't affect normal builds.
This installs the spectest, tier 2 spectest, speedtest, and lantest binaries. The binaries have been renamed with an
prefix to distinguish them from other similarly named binaries on a system.The other test binaries are still buggy, so keeping them off the install manifest for now.
Note that the binaries are only built when
is enabled, so this won't affect normal builds.