Netcentric / accesscontroltool

Rights and roles management for AEM made easy
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Ensure the index for rep:ACL is correctly detected #714

Closed ghenzler closed 1 month ago

ghenzler commented 1 month ago

In AEMaaCS there is currently the issue that even though the oak index /oak:index/repACL-custom-1 is installed, QueryHelper [1] takes the wrong query for ACEs instead of ACLs, and for our case we are above the 100,000 query limit with that. [2] should really give access to /oak:index/repACL-custom-1, but session.nodeExists(OAK_INDEX_PATH_REP_ACL) returns false.

[1] [2]

ghenzler commented 1 month ago

As quick test I created the following groovy script as an alternative to detect if a index for node type rep:ACL exists:

String checkIndexExplainQuery = "EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM [rep:ACL] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/etc])";
def query = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(checkIndexExplainQuery, javax.jcr.query.Query.JCR_SQL2);

def plan = query.execute().getRows().nextRow().getValues()[0]

boolean indexExists = (plan =~ "(?ms).*indexDefinition:.*luceneQuery:.*jcr:primaryType:rep:ACL.*")

println "Index for node type rep:ACL exists: ${indexExists}\n" 
println "Execution Plan:\n " + plan



kwin commented 1 month ago

Wouldn't a EXPLAIN MEASURE be more stable with regards to the return value (just evaluating the double value representing the cost)? If it is above a certain threshold we can derive from that a better index than the traversal fallback one does not exist.