Note: I think this would look better as a combobox, but it seems Scumblr's hardcoded any Search Provider's options as a text field. Too much work for me to change this right now, so that's why the 'name' of the option is a bit longer than usual (to explain to the user what the valid options are).
Finally (can't think of a better place to say this), Github's 'code' search requires you to also specify a user, organization, or repository within which to do the code search. The Scumblr user will need to understand that the 'Query' has to be something like 'color+repo:jquery/jquery' as opposed to just 'color', in order to actually get any results.
As per the request at, this modifies the Github search provider to be capable of searching for 'users', 'issues', or 'code', not just 'repositories' (the default).
Note: I think this would look better as a combobox, but it seems Scumblr's hardcoded any Search Provider's options as a text field. Too much work for me to change this right now, so that's why the 'name' of the option is a bit longer than usual (to explain to the user what the valid options are).
Finally (can't think of a better place to say this), Github's 'code' search requires you to also specify a user, organization, or repository within which to do the code search. The Scumblr user will need to understand that the 'Query' has to be something like 'color+repo:jquery/jquery' as opposed to just 'color', in order to actually get any results.
In other words, it depends on some existing knowledge of the Github search API as defined at