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Out of Frame range result #24

Closed felixtake2 closed 6 months ago

felixtake2 commented 6 months ago


I am having trouble with analyzing my EXR plate sequence using 1.0.0 Release Candidate - 11. I exported my sequence with 1199 frames out of AE, having exactly 25 frames for each color plate.

What might be causing the following error message?

An unhandled Exception Occurred Separation Calculation was not successful Separation Frames: 125 First Red Frame: 25 First Green Frame: 150 Last Frame Of Sequence: 1199 Calculated End Slate Last Frame: 1774 Separation result will lead to out of frame range result

giardiello commented 6 months ago

Hello, we not clear on what you are experiencing. Once you have generated the calibration sequence from OpenVpCal, load it in your media player and make sure it plays back with at least 10 frames per patch. Then shoot it, get the camera plate in Davinci (or AE) and convert it as is to ACES 2065-1, then export EXR. Don't need to trim/adjust the camera plate, a part from trimming any potential long head/tail end if it took too long to get the sequence to play back while recording or it took too long to stop the camera once the sequence was finished.

felixtake2 commented 6 months ago

I'm uncertain about the root cause of the issue. The dimensions and timing of the plates I exported from After Effects using the ACES 2065-1 color profile align perfectly with the generated TIFF patches. However, I consistently encounter the error message, "Separation Calculation was not successful." What could be the source of this problem?

davisadam10 commented 6 months ago

Felix, is there anyway you can share with us

The raw recording from your camera The camera recording settings you used The openvpcal project, with the led wall settings already setup.

dropbox, google drive etc

I can take a look

If the seperation is not completing correctly it is failing to find the first red and green frames in the sequemnce, which if not captured correctly, or converted from the raw incorrectly to skew the colours this will fail.

If you can share then i can confirm or at least fix the issue if there is one

davisadam10 commented 6 months ago

The dimensions and timing of the plates I exported from After Effects using the ACES 2065-1 color profile align perfectly >> with the generated TIFF patches.

Just to clarify you are not taking the patches straight out of OpenVPCal into AE right?

Workflow should be

1) Create Patches From OpenVPCal for your led walls specification 2) Load these plates into a media server and correctly play them back on the wall recording in your camera 3) Take your camera recording and convert from the raw recording to exrs in Aces2065-1 4) Load these exr files back into OpenVPCal

felixtake2 commented 6 months ago

Yes, I've followed the guidelines provided. Below is the WeTransfer link containing the raw footage from my Blackmagic Ursa 4.6K G2, captured with the following specifications: 25fps, Blackmagic RAW at a 12:1 compression ratio, and a 180-degree shutter angle. Additionally, you'll find the project settings JSON file and the After Effects color settings. Please note, I exported the raw camera footage as 16-bit EXR files, which are not included in the link.

davisadam10 commented 6 months ago


So took a look at the braw file, and using davinchi resolve to convert the braw to EXR file sequences in ACES2065-1, and the files loaded into OpenVPCal fine, the separation and auto roi detection worked fine.

I did run into another unrelated error with BlackMagicCameras which is now fixed in RC 12.

I was able to load and produce a calibration so i suspect that potentially the EXRs you created from AE where not linear ACES2065-1.

I see from your AE project settings this seems to be correct for the project setup but could not see what input and output transforms where applied to the source files loading in, or what was writing out.

Can i recommend trying this with Da Vinchi Resolve and setting the project settings for colour science to ACEScct. Leaving everything as default when you write exrs out they will be in the correct space.

Alternatively take another look at the AE settings

We will add the example Da Vinchi Resolve conversion process to the User Guide as this is a free to use solution which allows for the broadest out the box solution without additional licenses.

felixtake2 commented 6 months ago

Exporting the EXR files from DaVinci Resolve using the ACEScct project settings proved to be the solution. This time, I've used the RC 12.

I'm grateful for your assistance with resolving this issue and for updating the RC. Incorporating a example on implementing the calibrated OCIO file in Unreal Engine into the User Guide would be an excellent addition too.

Thank you once again!