Netflix / asgard

[Asgard is deprecated at Netflix. We use Spinnaker ( ).] Web interface for application deployments and cloud management in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Binary download:
Apache License 2.0
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Support for new "StepScaling" policies #704

Open benyamindfring opened 9 years ago

benyamindfring commented 9 years ago

recently AWS released an addition for Auto-Scaling policies, called "StepScaling" policies.

this is the announcement:

also you can refer to "PolicyType" in the link below.

unfortunately Asgard doesn't seem to recognize this type of scaling policies, and thus doesn't allow to copy ASG's with it.

2015-07-13_07:46:42 Exception: com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: Status Code: 400, AWS Service: AmazonAutoScaling, AWS Request ID: 4d9d671e-2933-11e5-aa35-bb4a085a0cba, AWS Error Code: ValidationError, AWS Error Message: Scaling increment must be specified for a SimpleScaling policy