Netflix / conductor

Conductor is a microservices orchestration engine.
Apache License 2.0
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Task not retried after second attempt when failing task through event queue #3309

Open pmchung opened 2 years ago

pmchung commented 2 years ago

Task is not retried after first attempt when a retry is triggered from event queue when using workflowId and taskRefName.

With multiple created task under a taskRefName due to multiple retry attempts, workflow.getTaskByRefName will get the last created task for the ref name.

I believe the change here introduced some sorting that now selects the first created task which would already be previously failed

manan164 commented 2 years ago

Hi @pmchung , Thanks for reporting. I want to understand the exact issue here. Can you please explain in detail? As per my understanding even when the task is retried the taskRefName won't get changed. However, I do see the behavioral change before and after ( so raising a draft ( to correct it.