Denominator 3.0.0 removes guava and jaxrs dependencies from denominator, facilitating higher reuse in environments where multiple versions of these libraries could be present. This replaces apis that returned Optional with nullable, and Multimap with Map<String, Collection<String>>. A side-effect is that denominator model objects now serialize with Jackson without custom type adapters.
Current Progress:
[x] cut 3.x branch
[x] bump master to 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[x] update and denominator-cli/
[x] release 3.0.0 from 3.x branch, publishing to maven central
[x] add denominator-cli version 3.0.0 to bintray, uploading the fat jar as denominator-cli/release/3.0.0/denominator
Denominator 3.0.0 removes guava and jaxrs dependencies from denominator, facilitating higher reuse in environments where multiple versions of these libraries could be present. This replaces apis that returned Optional with nullable, and Multimap with
Map<String, Collection<String>>
. A side-effect is that denominator model objects now serialize with Jackson without custom type adapters.Current Progress:
branch, publishing to maven centraldenominator-cli/release/3.0.0/denominator