No compilation issues are produced when compiling classes generated by the Kotlin codegen using Kotlin 2.0+
Actual behavior
This warning:
w: file:///Users/david.moidl/Productboard/pb-universe/board-module/board/build/generated/sources/dgs-codegen/com/productboard/board/graphql/generated/types/User.kt:20:13 This code uses error suppression for 'INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME'. While it might compile and work, the compiler behavior is UNSPECIFIED and WON'T BE PRESERVED. Please report your use case to the Kotlin issue tracker instead:
is issued for some of the classes generated via the DGS's Kotlin codegen.
Normally, I wouldn't worry too much about warnings being issued during compilation of a generated code. However, this warning seems to be intentionally scary as it communicates a possible compilation errors in the future.
Steps to reproduce
Generate any class representing a GQL type that implements a GQL interface via the Kotlin codegen. Any fields of the interface implemented by the class will get annotated with @Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME"), triggering this error.
An excerpt from our GQL schema:
directive @key(fields: _FieldSet!) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE
directive @external on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @extends repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE
interface Node {
id: ID!
interface Error {
message: String!
type Team implements Node @key(fields: "id") @extends {
id: ID! @external
type LocatedEntityNotFoundError implements Error {
message: String!
And the corresponding generated classes:
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "__typename",
@JsonSubTypes(value = [
// removed for brevity
public sealed interface Node {
@Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME") // <-- this is the problem
public val id: String
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NONE)
@JsonDeserialize(builder = Team.Builder::class)
public class Team(
id: () -> String = idDefault,
) : Node,
RoadmapGroupingValue {
private val __id: () -> String = id
@Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME") // <-- this is the problem
override val id: String
get() = __id.invoke()
public companion object {
private val idDefault: () -> String =
{ throw IllegalStateException("Field `id` was not requested") }
public class Builder {
private var id: () -> String = idDefault
public fun withId(id: String): Builder = this.apply { = { id }
public fun build(): Team = Team(
id = id,
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "__typename",
@JsonSubTypes(value = [
// removed for brevity
public sealed interface Error {
@Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME") // <-- this is the problem
public val message: String
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NONE)
@JsonDeserialize(builder = LocatedEntityNotFoundError.Builder::class)
public class LocatedEntityNotFoundError(
message: () -> String = messageDefault,
) : Error,
GridRowConnectionError {
private val __message: () -> String = message
@Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME") // <-- this is the problem
override val message: String
get() = __message.invoke()
public companion object {
private val messageDefault: () -> String =
{ throw IllegalStateException("Field `message` was not requested") }
public class Builder {
private var message: () -> String = messageDefault
public fun withMessage(message: String): Builder = this.apply {
this.message = { message }
public fun build(): LocatedEntityNotFoundError = LocatedEntityNotFoundError(
message = message,
Please note that I understand the Kotlin codegen is still marked as experimental. However, with the recent release of Kotlin 2.0, this looks like a possible incompatibility that I believe should be addressed to keep the project up-to-date with the latest language version.
Expected behavior
No compilation issues are produced when compiling classes generated by the Kotlin codegen using Kotlin 2.0+
Actual behavior
This warning:
is issued for some of the classes generated via the DGS's Kotlin codegen.
Normally, I wouldn't worry too much about warnings being issued during compilation of a generated code. However, this warning seems to be intentionally scary as it communicates a possible compilation errors in the future.
Steps to reproduce
Generate any class representing a GQL type that
a GQL interface via the Kotlin codegen. Any fields of the interface implemented by the class will get annotated with@Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME")
, triggering this error.An excerpt from our GQL schema:
And the corresponding generated classes:
Please note that I understand the Kotlin codegen is still marked as experimental. However, with the recent release of Kotlin 2.0, this looks like a possible incompatibility that I believe should be addressed to keep the project up-to-date with the latest language version.