Netflix / flamescope

FlameScope is a visualization tool for exploring different time ranges as Flame Graphs.
Apache License 2.0
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No pre-built client bundle in the master branch #150

Open wndrws opened 2 years ago

wndrws commented 2 years ago

In the it is stated that "A pre-built client bundle is distributed with the backend" but there is none: folder contains only favicon. I see that in the artifacts that are available for tag v0.2.0 ( the same folder contains an actual client but that version is quite old. It would be nice to see the client in the master branch so that I don't have to install Node.js and build the client from source.

spiermar commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report @wndrws. I'll have a look.

TimZaman commented 2 years ago

Confirm still an issue. If i check out the older v0.2.0 it does work. Is this project still maintained?

spiermar commented 2 years ago

Hey @TimZaman. I'm lacking a bit of time recently to maintain FlameScope. Keeping the pre-built client in the repo code was not a great idea to start with, but I have a new GH action ready to build and upload a dist with every new release. Since I left Netflix, I don't have rights to create workflow actions anymore, but trying to sort that out now.

jasonk000 commented 2 years ago

@spiermar , I've set up a basic workflow to your spec, but I'm not sure it's entirely what's needed. (Have slacked you more info). I think we should revise the workflow to run when tags are pushed. From there on, once it's working, we need to set up new tags for v0.3.x -- then I think files will be published correctly.